Part 15

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I slowely opened my eyes and a sharp pain hit my head. 'Where am I' was my first thought. 'Wait who am I' was my second thought as I was very confused. I tried to figure out an answer until a doctor came in my room. "thank god your awake u have been asleep for quite a while now" my vision was still quite blurry but not fully.

"Okey so a nurse will get you some food and then we will have to take some of your blood okey. "um sorry but do you know who I am" "sorry what do you mean" "I-I don't really remember anything."

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The doctor has told me that my name was Mike and that I got beaten up by some guys. I really wanted to know the reason but they said it was better if I asked a guy called Will and his friends.

A nurse came In with a tray of food. she put the tray on the small table next to me and I started eating. I was really hungry even though they have been putting food in me by a tube I guess.

finally finishing the food, they told they had to take my blood for some testing. They also said they would need to scan my brain but I'm not sure why.

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I opened my eyes as the lights blinded my vision. My eyes were slowly getting used to the light. Max and Jane were here but I don't know why. They look really sad for some reason and it kinda concerns me. What must be wrong. "Are u guys okey?"
"Oh um yes sorry we didn't see u wake up" Jane replied but not with her calming voice but instead she sounded like she was crying. I decided to leave it because I can see in the look of her eyes she didn't want to talk about it.

Not long after a doctor came in saying we were allowed to see mike now. I was really excited since I hadn't seen him for a while. when I stood up I think I stood up a bit too fast as my eyes went all black and back to normal. My head does hurt a bit but it's okey. As we walk to mike room Jane calms down a bit. We were in front of his room and I opened the door to see him lying on the bed. He turned his head to us as I ran up toward him and gave him a hug. Mike flinched as I hugged him.

"Are you okey" "I'm sorry but who are you" "come on mike stop joking around" "Im not joking around I really don't know who you are and why ur hugging me" I backed away as a tear fell down from my eye. "Mike do u not remember me" "no sorry" I soon started to sob as I was thinking on why he couldn't remember me. Then the doctor in the room told me he has amnesia. I started to cry uncontrollably as max and Jane tried to comfort me. "A-after we get out can I take u t-to the places you took me as it might make u remember" "sure if I'm not busy".

Ill have to bring him to the cafe.

Ill have to bring him to the cafe

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