Part 10

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I waited for a while until I heard someone enter the door. It was Will and I called his name to signal him that I am here. He walked towards me and sat right in front of me. He was wearing a hoodie with an image stuck on it and in my opinion it looked really cute on him. I stared for a bit longer until Will broke the awkward silence. "Hey um so what did you want."

"Do I need a reason to see my boyfriend?" "N-no um s-sorry". "Do u want anything to eat?". "I just want a strawberry cheesecake", He replied.

I started waving my hand at a waiter and then she came. She was really flirtatious. I could see that Will didn't really like her because of the flirting so I decided to tease him by flirting back. I told her what we wanted and told her she looked good today. She was blushing so much that she looked like a tomato.

Will then gave the waiter a death glare as soon as he heard what I said which was scary to her but for me it was just cute. The waiter soon left and I quickly turned to Will. "I never thought someone like you could be this jealous".

He then looked confused at first but then noticed why and then started blushing a lot, like a lot. "Oh I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to do t-that." He stuttered and quickly put his hands on his face so he could hide his blush from me. to tease him even more, I grabbed his wrist so he couldn't hide his face.

"Please let g-go". "Why hide your beautiful face". "Stop t-that", He replied still trying to free his hands. "Stop what?"
"S-stop teasing me". "Maybe i will maybe I won't". "Ughhhh I hate you". "I love you too", I replied with a smirk.


I tried my best to take my hands out of his grip but he was really strong. I soon gave up knowing he won't let go. My blush started fading away a bit and then the waiter came which prevent mike doing anything else that could make me blush. For some reason, I now had a whole lot of respect for her.

She placed the strawberry cheesecake in front of me and a cookie and cream flavoured milkshake infront of mike. She left with a smile and a light tint of pink on her cheeks. I then took the fork and took a piece off the cake and tasted it. It was really good. I then looked up to Mike who had a smirk on his face?

I was still confused why he had a smirk until he put his hand on my thigh. I flinched at the sudden contact. He started moving his hands and it was tickling. "Stop it's tickling", I said slapping his hand away while giggling. "Only if you give me kiss", He said still with a big smirk on his lips. "Later".

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Mike had just finished his milkshake. I also finished my cake. After about 3 minutes of arguing on who should pay I gave up and let him pay. We then left the small cafe and we both started walking towards his car. As we entered the car we didn't think anyone would see us but little did we know we were wrong. Mike then suddenly kissed me. "What was that for." I said while I still had a tingling feeling on my lips. "You said later and now is later", He replied with a small smile.

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