part 16

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I woke up in the hospital bed, i was really happy because today was the day i get to leave the hospital. I will plan this week to try and make Mike remember me. I hope it works because i finally felt happy when i found out he liked me.

After a while Jane and Max came and snuck in some chocolate and some comics. I was really grateful for that as i have been down for the past days. They said they have a surprise for me at home. I wonder what it is.

A doctor came to remove the needles that were in my arm and told me i could go but before that i want to go and see Mike. "hey guys can i go see Mike alone for a bit". "Of course, we will wait at the entrance"."thanks".

I slowely walked to Mike's hospital room as my side was hurting a lot. After walking for a while, i finally reached his door. I knocked softly. "Who is it" said a soft but deep voice. "it's Will". "Oh, come in". I don't know why but he sounded kind off dissapointed. I opened the door and walked in.

"hey" i said shyly
"uh hello" Mike said while trying to smile
"are u feeling better?"
"yes a lot better and but i am still hungry" he said while pouting. He looked cute.
"Jane and Max snuck in some chocolate for me, do u want some". Mike's eyes started sparkling like literally sparkling.
"Yes yes oh how i miss taste of chocolate".
He made some grabbing movements as i took out the chocolate from my bag. As i gave it to him, he shoved it all in his mouth. "Calm down or you might choke" i tried to warn him (keyword tried).

He started coughing a lot which scared me. I ran to his side and gave him the water that was next to him. "i told you" i said. "oh shut up" Mike said while pouting again. I laughed. "do u remember me?" i asked. "no", he said. "But then why do u look so comfortable around me", i asked out of curiosity. "Because i expect that we were best friends before all of this happened he said". I felt sad but i tried to keep the smile on. "Yes, yes we were", i said while trying control my voice and hide the tear that escaped my eye.

"Max and Jane are waiting for me so i must go now" i said while still trying to hide my face. "oh okey then i hope to see you soon" he said while smiling. my heart did a flip in my chest. I started to leave before he screamed "BRING ME CHOCOLATE THE NEXT TIME U COME!". I started laughing, "sure". i continued walking and took the elevator to the ground floor. I came out and saw Max and Jane at the entrance.

"What took you so long?!" Max yelled. Everyone turned around towards us as Jane tried to apologise for her loudness. "Does it matter, let's just go" i said. "Okey" Max said while looking suspicious 'why might she be suspicious' i thought.

After a 30 min long ride to my house, they put a blindfold on my eyes and told me to wait there. I waited and waited until they finally started directing me to the door. I walked in and they removed my eyes. My eyes started shining with happiness. There was cake, a lot of candy, a pile of comics and a set of 120 colouring pens. I was so happy. I turned around and hugged the both of them while tears escaped my eyes. "Oh don't cry u crybaby" max said while her and Jane laughed. "I'm not crying, my eyes are just peeing so shut up", they started laughing even harder.

I grabbed some tissues from the tissue box and wiped away my tears. "Anime night?" i said. "Hell yeah" Max screamed.
we watched A silent voice, I want to eat your pancreas and Your name. We were sobbing messes.

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