Part 13

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Me and Jane met up at lunch and smirked as we both were gonna go to the locked off bathroom to spy on Mike and Will. We were walking quietly. I was about to open the door until Jane stopped me.

She told me to be quiet. I heard that there was mutiple people inside the bathroom. Jane then slightly opened the door and what we saw was horribly terrifying. Mike had blood all over him and Will was unconscious. I quickly took out my phone and started recording as a sorce of proof. Lucas and Dustin were kicking harder and harder on mike's body while saying stuff like 'you should just die'.

Lucas then held onto Mike's collar and hit his head against the wall which made him unconscious as blood came out of his head. We then quickly hid as they were about to leave the bathroom.

As we saw them leave the door we quickly got out of our hiding spot and went in the toilet. They were both badly injured. "Stay here with them I'll get my car" I said while standing up and running towards the door.

I quickly started my car and went to the gates. I got out and helped Jane bring the two to my car. We put them in the backseat and went to the nearest hospital. As we arrived at 'xxx hospital' Jane ran out and told the woman at the counter what happened. She quickly called doctors and they took care of Mike and Will.

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8 hours had passed as me and max fell asleep on each other. We woke up as we heard Will's mother run in the hospital.
"Is my baby okey", she said worried. We both shrugged as they haven't told us anything yet.

More and more tears streamed down her face. U also might think why she came so late we'll thats because we didn't call her until about 2 hours ago. The hospital called mikes parents but they are on a business trip in England so couldn't come. Mike's mom is really good friends with Will's mom so she trusted her to take care of her son. As I was about to say something a doctor came to us and told us Will was awake.


I slowely opened my eyes but it was hard as there was a light shining directly at my eyes. A tried to cover the light with my arms but it hurt. Then soon a doctor came to me . "Oh your awake, take it easy your badly injured".

I was really confused until I got flashbacks of what happened. A tear came out of my eye as I remembered what they did to mike until everything went blank. "Where is mike" I asked. "He is still unconscious and when he wakes up we have to do some tests on him as his head was badly injured so u can't see him until he wakes up."

"Okey" I said as I put on a sad smile. The door than opened and my mother came running to me and hugged me. Of course I couldn't hug back but I tried my best to enjoy the moment. She was crying a lot which hurt me a lot.

"It's okey mom don't worry" she put on an obvious fake smile and walked back. As I turned my head I saw Jane and max. They were also crying. They quickly came to me and hugged me. "I'm so sorry we couldn't protect you". "It wasn't your fault", I replied. "Don't worry we have it all recorded so we can give it to the principal"
"What would I do without you guys". "To be honest I don't know at all"

We all laughed. It was really late so Jane and max decided to go home but before they left they gave me a bag full of sweets and chocolate. "Get better soon we love you", Jane said as both of them were leaving. My mum decided to sleep in the hospital which I would understand why. A nurse than came in with a tray. It had some pasta, salad, orange juice and a yogurt. She told me to eat and I did.

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