Part 12

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I just entered to school and went straight to my locker. I got out my books and went to my class. Will had already left me as he had to go to class really early to speak guy he teacher about something. I didn't really ask him what he had to ask because I know will wouldn't hide anything from me.

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All of my classes had just ended and I went straight to my locker. As I opened it a note came out.

Meet me at lunch in the locked of bathroom

From Will <3

I didn't know why he wanted to meet me at lunch but I was happy we would be able to see each other again. I then went back to class since the bell rang. 1 more our until I get to see will.


It was the end of the day and I went to my locker to put in books i won't need for homework. Jane and max met me there as our lockers are close. As I opened my locker a paper fell out.

'Meet me at the locked of bathroom
Mike <3'

Will had a smile on his face as he read it.
"It's mike isn't it", Jane asked.
"Who. What. Where. When". "I mean the letter it's from him right" Jane said. "Yes".
"Oh let us see".

I passed them the paper. They both looked at eachother and smirked. I was suspicious but whatever you know they are strange people.

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Lunch has just started and I quickly went to the bathroom. I waited there for a while until Mike arrived. "So what did u want", I asked. "What do you mean?", He said looking confused. "Well u gave me a letter saying to meet you in the bathroom", I said taking out my letter.

Mike did the same and we just stared at them. "Who could've done it then?", I asked but he just shrugged. The door opened and we both looked at it. Lucas and Dustin came in. "It was us" Lucas said. We both didn't know what was going on until Lucas punched me in the stomach. I quickly covered my mouth so I wouldn't vomit.

 I quickly covered my mouth so I wouldn't vomit

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