Part 3

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I had arrived at school and met up with my friends Dustin and Lucas. We talked for a bit and then separated into different classes.

I was about to walk to class until i was stopped by my maths teacher. "Hey Mr. Wheeler, I wanted to inform you that you will be getting study sessions from Will. Well if he agrees that is". She said looking directly at me. "I would rather no-". "I'll stop calling your dad about your fails". "Deal", I quickly shouted getting many stares.

"But first you have to apologise to Will. I know what you're doing to him and if it continues I will tell the principal", she said. "Okey, bye", I replied while walking away. "Bye Mr. Wheeler".

I continued walking to Science lesson. I hate Science. Not only did i hate the subject. I hated the teacher aswell. He would barely explain anything and then give us a random pop quiz the next day. It was really frustrating as i always failed meaning they would call my parents.

My dad despises it when they call him. I always went home and was greeted with a slap on the cheek. I was also told the same exact words every time. 'I wish i had a better son' . I couldn't do much about it but try harder.

Those words broke me completely but i couldn't tell anyone as i had to keep this strong image. I also had to hide the fact i was in love.. with a boy. It was the reason why i bullied Will. My friends started bullying him and i had to as well, to not look suspicious.

Which brings me to this. Bullying the person i am in love with to look strong. Yes it hurts me but i have to do whatever to keep my reputation.

With that thought, I entered the classroom. It was fairly empty but started filling up and the time increased. Soon after the teacher arrived, asking us all to stand up so he could seat us where we have to sit. I honestly didn't care where i had to sit as long as it wasn't the front of the classroom.

"Will sit right next to the window in the back". Will started walking until he suddenly stopped. "Mike sit right next to him". I saw his facial expression change as he continued walking to his seat. I sat next to him as instructed.

He laid his head on the desk. I didnt think much of it but i had to find a way to apologise to him. I decided it was best to do it around lunch time so i gave him his peace. I somehow payed attention to the lesson writing down some notes even though i had no idea what anything he was saying meant but nonetheless i still wrote everything down.

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It was now 4th period and I shared this class with Will aswell. I was hoping the teacher wouldn't put us in assigned seats but she did. I had to threaten the person next to Will to move so that i could sit down next to him.

I mean i needed a way to tell him sorry right. I sat down and the teacher started the lesson. Time passed by fast so I decided to poke his arm and ask him now.

"Yo byers", I whispered. "What do you want?", He asked in a tone i didn't really like.

"Don't give me that tone before i break your elbow", I replied coldly. "Meet me after class at the closed down bathroom". I said as I turned back to the teacher. "Sure", He replied.

"And if you don't come, I'll find you myself and do something i wouldn't have to do". I said still looking at the teacher. "I'll come don't worry", He replied.

The teacher saw us speaking and stopped the lesson. "Can I speak now?". "Yes sorry", He replied. I took a paper from my bag and decided to finish my notes. The class was about to end so i stopped writing the notes and put it in my bag.

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