part 18

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i woke up in a bed that didn't feel like mine. I looked around trying to see but my head hurt really bad as the light was shining through the curtains. I tried to stand up to close the curtains but something was connected to my arm. "Wait am i at the hospital", I said in a soft and low voice. I was about to press the button next to me to call a nurse until someone walked through the door. It was Will. I felt myself smiling a bit. 'wait why am i smiling' I thought as I completely forgot Will was still in the room.

"H-hey Mike are u feeling better?" He asked me as i was still lost in my own thoughts.

"Mike? can u hear me?" He said again while I was questioning myself

"MIKE" , I flinched as I looked at Will. "Sorry i didn't mean to scare u i thought u couldn't hear me", Will said with a sad smile on his face.

"Oh don't worry will, i was just thinking about something". I said trying to calm him down. "Will i want to ask u something can u please sit down" I asked questioning whether i should tell him about the image or not but if i want answers i should ask him.

"Of course, now what did u want to tell me". He said while sitting down on the chair next to the bed i was laying on.

"So i saw this image in my head and we were-", I was interrupted by a nurse who came in to give me my breakfast.

"Can u say that again i didn't hear u sorry", He said. "Oh don't worry it was not important anyways", I said figuring it's best to keep it to myself for now.


'Why is he acting so strange today?' I asked myself wondering what was wrong with Mike since he never used to act like this. I shrugged it off thinking it was just me.

"I'll leave now so u can eat ur breakfast", I said while walking off until Mike grabbed my hand.

"U see.. i have been feeling a bit lonely lately so can i have ur number so that i can text and call u?" He asked.

"Sure". I said while grabbing my phone out of my pocket. I took a paper and wrote my number on it. "Here u go"

"Thank you. I will text u once i finish my food". He said as I stood up to leave.

"Bye Mike hope u get better soon!" I said as I closed the door. 'He really is acting strange'. I shook my head as I was trying to get rid of these thoughts.

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"Waaaa i'm so full", I said grabbing my stomach while looking at the tray with dirty dishes of all the food i ate. "The food was nice tho so no complains".

"I should text Will!" I said happily as i grabbed my phone and typed in his number that was written on this small piece of paper. I Wrote the last digit in and saw that it was already in my contacts. "Strange.."

I pressed the text button as i was curious and what i saw shocked me. His name was saved as "loml ☺️". "This has to be a mistake". I said as I typed his number in again but it showed me it again.

I had a strange feeling that this somehow was related to the image I saw. I was thinking about it until my head started hurting again seeing multiple images as I was trying to figure out all the images but they were coming in to fast. I groaned as I could feel my heartbeat in my head. The beating was increasing until i wasn't able to open my eyes.

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I was reading a comic until my mother called me down. She sounded kind of sad and in a rush. I was worried. I rushed downstairs to see her with tears in her eyes.

"Mom what's wrong??" I asked as she looked at me.

"Put on your shoes immediately!" She said as she threw my shoes at me.

"Why". I asked worried.

"I got a call from the hospital they said Mike fainted again but this time it has become worse and he might not make it". She said as the tears fell on her cheeks.

"W-What". I said as i put my shoes on in the speed of light. 'Mike hang in there pls don't die on me' I said to myself as i was trying to hold in my tears which threatened to fall.

Me and my mom ran out of the house and sped to the hospital. I hope we don't get stopped by the police since right now is not a good time.

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We arrived at the hospital and went to the reception. "What room is Mike in." I said trying to not to be too loud. "Room 2134" She said. 'I wonder why she didn't ask us what our relation was with him.. strange'.

We then went to the lift but it was taking long so we just took the stairs. As we reached to the to the right floor we saw Mike's Mother crying. We ran up to her.

"Any new news?" I asked trying to hold in the new formed tears. "No but they said his heartbeat was going really fast which might be a threat to his health". She said between every breath she was taking.

"Can i see him?" I asked. "Yes but press the button to notify the nurse if u see or hear anything." She said with worry in her voice. "I will". I said leaving behind the crying woman while my mom was hugging her trying to calm her down but instead she was crying too.

I entered the room looking at the pale boy laying on the bed. Tears ran down my face slowely. "P-please Mike wake up! I can not l-live without u please. I-I love y-you". I said between sobs. 'I shouldn't cry i should stay strong for the both of us' I said softly as my throat hurt from holding in my tears.

-No one

Will kissed Mike on the forehead as he sat down next to him. "Please wake up" He said again.

little did he know Mike could hear everything.

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