part 19

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6 days later..


I slightly opened my eyes and saw it was still dark. 'What is the time?'. I said to myself as i looked at the clock that was above the door. It read 3:25 am. It's too early.

I tried to go back to sleep which i failed to do so. I looked at the clock again and now it was 4 am. It was still dark but i didn't really care. I stood up and walked to Mikes bed and laid a kiss on his forehead.

"Please wake up and remember me". I said to the pale body right infront of me as i walked off and left the room. I rubbed my eyes which led me to see colours. 'This feel so good'. Soon after it ended and i continued my walk. I walked around the hospital as i was really bored.

i first went to the kids section as i looked at the colourful walls. It was really calming me. I continued walking until i saw a spot where the light wasn't working.

"U must be crazy if u think i am going there". I said as I quickly turned around and walked back to Mikes room. To my surprise i saw Max and Jane waiting infront of the door. I slowely walked to them so that i could try and scare them.

"BOO!". I screamed. They both just looked at me and shushed me. "How did u guys not get scared?!" I said very confused.

"One, we already saw u walking here before u saw us. Two, who would be scared of ur cute little ass". Max said as she stood up to squeeze my chubby cheeks.

"stop!!" i whined as Max and Jane were just laughing.

"Our cute little baby is growing up". Jane spoke up as she stood and hugged him.

I blushed as they were showing me to much affection. "S-so why are u guys here?" I asked while trying to hide my face so that they don't tease me.

"Your mom called us saying u fell asleep here and maybe we should go and visit you. Also if ur trying to hide ur blushing face u have failed". Max said as she took off her bag and took something out of it.

"We brought u some chocolate and mangas!!" Jane yelled before Max could even finish pulling out the things.

"Wait what mangas??" I asked as i was curious.

"Attack on titan." Max said calmly as she was trying to hide the fact that she already read the volumes she brought.

"woohooo!" I yelled until Jane covered my mouth.

"shhhhhh it's literally 4 am and people are trying to sleep bro". Jane said quietly.

"wait why are u guys here at this time?" i asked. They both looked at eachother and started blushing. "Uhm w-we were at t-the.. BEACH". Max said.

"One, ur stuttering and u only stutter when ur lying. Two, u two were at a bar getting drunk right". I said knowing they both were at a party or something.

"HA that's where u wrong we were at a hotel doing-" Max was cut off by Jane covering her mouth. They both started blushing remembering what happened.

"Uhm here take these we have to go byeee Will". Jane and Max ran off before i could even say goodbye.

"Why did they run? i honestly can't with these two anymore". I said laughing quietly to myself.

I decided to go back to the room and eat the chocolate they gave me while reading the mangas.

"Mind giving me some chocolate?" I looked around wondering where that came from until i saw Mike sat up in his bed. I ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

Tears were threatening to fall. "He finally woke up i can't believe this". I slowely let the tears fall down my cheeks as hugged Mike even tighter. I didn't lose him.. I didn't lose Mike. I didn't know whether to call the nurse or have him to myself for now.

I let go of him to wipe my tears but then saw him with tears in his eyes. I was a bit worried because i have never seen him cry ever since i dated him and he himself has told me he never cries.

"What's wrong Mike?" I asked softly as my throat was hurting a lot from the crying. "Mik-" I was cut off by him kissing me. All these thoughts ran through my head as he parted the kiss. It was a soft kiss which made the butterflies in my stomach go wild. As i was trying to calm down he said one more thing as the tears in his eyes fell.. Something i never expected him to say..

"I remember"

"I remember"

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