Part 2

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I was on my way to the bleachers until i accidently walked into someone. It was Dustin. 'Not Good'. "Watch where you walk fairy boy", He yelled as he kicked me in the leg. I fell down on the ground as he walked away. Everyone stared at me to scared to move and help.

"Thank you so much for the help", I shot a glare at the crowd that formed around me. I stood up and walked away limping. I decided to text Max and Jane that I wouldn't be coming as i was feeling sick. As i finished typing, I continued walking towards the doctors office.

Fortunately it wasn't to far away so i made it there easily. The nurse was on a lunch break so i just a ice pack out of the freezer that was kept in there. I placed the cold thing on my leg. It made me shiver but i guess that would help ease the pain.

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It was now the end of the day and I decided to meet up with Jane and Max. The both of them were crazy worried but i lied to them saying i had to help the teacher carry the books to the 5th floor. At first they didn't believe me but i guess i was able to convince them.

We decided to go to a cafe. It was a Cat cafe. Cats are the only reason why i am still here they are beautiful and innocent creatures. 'If only humans were like this', I thought to myself. I quickly rushed in and bought some snack for the cats and sat down on the floor.

They all came rushing towards me as i showed them the treats. I tried to feed all of them but some were very greedy. Those type of cats pissed me off as it reminded me of humans but what can i do, they're animals.

The little ones were being trampled by the bigger cats which was an horrible sight so i took the smaller cats and placed them on my lap. I fed them some of the treats. They all ran of at the same time. I turned to the direction they were running at. It was Jane and Max who still had all of their treats.

"Oof", I mumbled but it was loud enough for them to hear. They snickered as they fed the cats. I shot them a glare which did absolutely no affect to them. 'If only i didn't have a baby face', I thought to myself.

My treats ran out fast so I decided to steal some of the girls. They both glared at me. It was now my turn to laugh until they both attacked me with tickles. "Guys Ahhh!!! STOP I CANT BREATh", I yelled between my laughs. They continued nonetheless for like 5 minutes straight until the both of them got tired themselves.

"I hate you guys", I said with a pout. "Will you still hate us if we buy you a milkshake", Max suggested. "Kinder bueno one?", I asked. "Yes a Kinder Bueno one", Jane reassured. "Deal!". With that, they both quickly finished giving the cats the treats and stoop up to leave.

We decided to go to the cafe opposite it. My mother suggested me this cafe as she said they sell many sweet things including milkshakes. Of course i had to try it and now was my opportunity.

We walked inside as the bell chimed alerting the person behind the counter that there were new customers. What i didn't expect was that Mike worked there. 'Ugh why him', I thought to myself.

I guess Jane and Max saw aswell as there face scrunched up in disgust. They still walked up to the counter and ordered. I didn't want to face him so i decided to sit down on a table with 3 chairs.

Soon i heard footsteps meaning Jane and Max came to the table. They both sat down and started shittalking Mike. Of course I let them continue shit talking him as I really didn't mf care.

I felt like i was being stared at so i turned around. It was Mike?! He quickly looked away and continued serving the next customer. Strange boy.

Another employee called out to us as the drinks were ready. I decided to pick them up noticing Mike stare at me again. I gave him a quick glare to which he didn't react to at all, he just turned around.

I walked back to our table only to be met with a sight of Max and Jane kissing. It was super cute but we were in a cafe so i stopped the both earning glares from them. I sat down and placed the drinks infront of them. They all picked there's and one was left and it was the Kinder Bueno one.

I slurped on the straw really hard as it was barely coming through it until i was interrupted by Max. "Hey guys did you hear about the party on friday?". "Yes i am not going", I said looking unfazed. "Who said we gave you a choice?", Jane replied. "Ughh". "Hehe We will pick you up at 5 on friday", Max said.

"Why are u guys planning already it's literally a Monday", I said still struggling with the Milkshake. "One, You can never plan two early and two, you should mix your drink with the straw it will make it easier to drink", Jane said with a nodding Max next to her.

"Whatever", I said listening to their advice and stirring my drink with the straw. It worked. The milkshake was finally going through the straw.

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It decided to go home now as the sky was slowely turning dark. My house wasn't to far away so I decided to just walk instead of going in Max's car. The weather was getting quite chilly but i was close to home so i could survive for a bit longer.

Soon after I arrived at my house. I created my mother and asked her what was for dinner. "Lasagna", she replied. 'Yes i loved my mother's lasagna. It tasted absolutely amazing.

I quickly took of my shoes and rushed to the kitchen to serve myself some. I got a fork out of the pot full of utensils and grabbed my plate. I sat down on the dinner table and started eating.

"Mom the food is amazing, thank you!". "No problem sweetie, make sure to eat all of it and go to bed early okey", She replied. "Okey mom". I quickly finished my plate and started making my way to my room. I took a towel and a new pair of pyjamas and hoped in the shower. I made sure i was comfortable in the shower.

It was a rather short shower as it took 10 minutes. I got out and moisturised my body. I put on my pyjamas and brushed my teeth. It was now around 11 pm so i decided to sleep straight away. I had to wake up at 6:30 am so it would be the best to sleep now.

I jumped in bed and let my eyes close it self. I was slowely pulled into a deep slumber that no one could wake me up from except from my annoying alarm that scares me every morning. With that lost thought i completely fell asleep and started dreaming.

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