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4 years later

-No one

Both Mike and Will were in college now. They moved out of their houses and rented an apartment. They both went to same college so they spent a lot of time together. Max and Jane were also in the same college as them which led to them getting drunk every saturday night as they went to bars and parties. Today was a ordinary wednesday well that's what Will thought.

They were in their easter holidays. Will woke up to an empty spot next to him. He looked around and there was no sign of Mike. Will shrugged it off not thinking to much of it and went to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. He made pancakes with Nutella.

He sat down on the couch and turned on the tv and continued watching the episode he left on last night. He watched 4 episodes until he got a call. It was Max.

"Hello max how are you?"

"Will I need you to come to the beach now! Something happened to Mike-". Before she could continue Will spoke up saying he was on his way to the beach.

He quickly put on his shoes and put on some clothes. He didn't care about what he was wearing as tears were in his eyes. 'I hope nothing bad bad happened'.

He called and uber since the beach was 30 minutes away. Soon after the uber came and he entered the car.

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I ran out of the uber not forgetting to give five stars to the driver and tip the driver. The beach was oddly empty so i could easily spot Max. I ran up to hear to ask her what happened.

"Max where is he?" I asked while new tears formed inside my eyes.

"Look behind u baby boy". She said as she walked away.

I turned around to see Mike on one knee with a box in his hand.

"Will.. my precious Will. i have been wanting to do this for over an year now. we have been together for fours years and i want to tell you i love you so much. We had our ups and downs which never ended our relationship. We experienced so many things together that i never expected us to have experienced And i want to experience more things with you but not as your boyfriend.. but as your Husband. So will u marry me William byers?"

"y-yes.. YES!"

A crying Will hugged Mike as they kissed passionately. Max and Jane congratulated the both of them. Will and Mike both put on the rings for eachother but what happened next shocked Will and Jane even more. Max got on one knee..

"Dear jane.. I want to be the person to kiss u every night and i want to be the person to say good morning to you every morning. I always thought something was missing on in my life and that was love but when u walked into my life.. my life was complete. Since the day we first held hands and kissed till today i have always been thinking of spending the rest of my life with you. So i want you to know that i love you forever and will till death. So Jane.. My beautiful Jane will u marry me?"


Jane jumped on Max and they kissed whilst Mike and Will were clapping. They took a few pictures for them as they put on their rings. Will hugged Jane whilst Mike and Max fist bumped as their plan worked. Now both will get to marry the loves of their lives and get to spend the rest of time with them.

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They all went to a restaurant to celebrate and after went their separate ways. U might think they were a bit young to get engaged but they didn't care at all they knew what they wanted and so worked on getting it. Max and Jane went to their apartment whereas Mike had a night planned out for him and Will.

They went to a hotel and got the biggest room there was. They had their own King sized bed and there was a big television infront of it. They also had a private hot spring that Mike rented for the two days since they will be staying there for two days. Will couldn't be happier knowing he would get married to the person he loved the most. Will was so excited to tell his mom but he will leave that for tomorrow as they were very tired from the long day they had. So..

They ended the night with a kiss..
A kiss that will last forever..

The End

Thank you everyone who made it this far into the book i will sadly be ending the book here. I hope you all enjoyed it and i want to say the I very much enjoyed making this book. I might've had a whole 6 month break but that was because i had no motivation but now i am proud to say i was able to finish this book. Thank you very much for the time we spend together and i sit. know whether i'll be making more books but i am considering it and since u guys might know i am a big anime, kpop and kdrama fan so that's why there were many references of anime and manga stuff in this book. Now i'll be saying goodbye and I hope u guys have a good rest of this year even tho the start of this year was kinda bad ngl. Byeeeeeee.


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