Part 8

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I slowely open my eyes and notice that I woke up 2 minutes before my alarm went off. It was like a victory because I never woke up before my alarm. For some reason I wasn't feeling tired at all but I think I knew the reason why.

I was really excited to see mike at school even though I can't talk to him all the time because of his friends but it doesn't bother me to much. I got of my bed and took out some new clothes from my closet. Then I went to the bathroom and took a shower.

"Hey honey I didn't know u were awake" said His mother. "Oh Yh I woke up a few minutes before my alarm and I didn't really feel tired after I woke up so I got out of bed straight away." Joyce had a smirk on her face as she was about to say something. I didn't really think a lot of it so I continued eating.

I started drinking my milk when Joyce said " so how is your boyfriend mike." I choked on my milk. "Mom we a-are not t-together". I said while cursing myself for stuttering because now it's obvious that I am lying. "Oh honey u can't fool me and I also saw u guys kiss when mike drove u to our house."

My eyes grew even wider. "Will please don't hide anything from me I won't judge I'm not like your father." "How could I ever be like that son of a bitch", she mumbled under her breath.

"Did u say anything mom", I asked hearing her say something but not knowing exactly what she said. "No don't worry honey I didn't", She replied. "Okey so mom we only got together yesterday so please don't tell anyone". "I won't but do mikes parents know". "I don't think he can tell them. He told me his parents are homophobic".
"Oh okey that makes sense. I wish you guys the best of luck oh and you look very cute", She said nudging my arm. "MOM!!!". "Okey sorry jeez". I was going to say something else until we heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it". To my surprise it was Mike. "Hey Will hurry up we need to go to school".

"Mike Wdym, I take a bike to school". "Well not anymore. Now hurry up". "Okey wait let me just get my backpack" I said while running to my room to grab my phone and backpack. I tell began speed walking to the kitchen to kiss my mom goodbye.

I then turned to the door and walked towards mike. I felt like I was forgetting something. 'Ah my keys'. I quickly ran to where my keys were and picked them up.

I literally ran out the door. I locked the door and then went to the front seat of his car. Mike did the same.

"Okey mike so what's the reason you are picking me up". "So that I could kiss you before we go to school". "Seriously mike" I said with a pout. "You being fake grumpy is so cute" he said. My cheeks became extremely red.

"I knew your cheeks would become red" Mike chuckled. "Oh shut up". "Make me", He said with a smirk. "MIKE!!". "Okey sorry sorry". "Just drive already". With that he drove to school.

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We arrive at school and I was about to leave the car until Mike pulled me back. He kissed me. Of course I kissed back but after a few seconds I pulled away because i didn't want anyone to see us.

I first got out of the car so that people don't see us together. Jane and max were standing at the entrance of the school. I ran up to them and hugged them both. "Will where were u this weekend" max said

"Oh I'm sorry I was kind of busy". "Oh no worries but please hang out with us later". "I will max and I need to tell u guys something later anyways". "Tell us now please". "No I'll tell u later". "Okey" max said while faking her sadness. I was about to call her out for faking her sadness but then I saw Jane.

She was awfully quiet "Jane are our okey I haven't seen you speak yet" I said. "Oh yes don't worry I was just spacing out a bit." "Oh okey".

Then we started walking to our lockers. all our lockers were near each other which was great because then we can still talk right after. I had maths first period lucky me because mike sits next to me in maths.

I was going to class early so I told Them and started leaving. I saw Mike, Lucas and Dustin in the hallway and I got scared for a bit but luckily they didn't do anything. I continued walking and then entered the class.

The teacher was already here but only because she was marking the seniors tests they had on wednesday. I said good morning and sat on my seat. I had 10 minutes before class starts so I decided to go on my phone for the time being.

I scrolled and scrolled through Instagram trying to find anything interesting but I didn't and then I tried twitter but same result. I continued like this for 5 minutes until someone sat next to me. It was mike. I looked at mike and then back at my phone.

Mike was taking out his books for maths and placed them on the table then he turned around to face me. He stared at me for a while until I looked back. "What are u doing" I asked.

He flinched as he was lost in his thoughts and said "nothing." I then turned back around to my phone and class was starting in 2 minutes so I turned of my phone and put it back in my bag. I then took out my pencil and books. I felt someone pull on my shirt and I turned around. Ofc it was mike.

"Can I have a pencil I forgot mine" he said. I gave him a pencil but just like the annoying person he is he grabbed my hand instead of the pencil which made me blush. I quickly gave him the pencil and turned my head. All I could hear was him giggling. 'This bitch.."


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