part 16

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i woke up as my eyes were blinded by the string of light coming from the corner of my window as my curtains didn't cover it. I rose up looking at the time to see it say 8:03 am. 'that was a good sleep' i said while wiping my drool away. 'Wait 8:03?Oh no i am late!' i rushed to my closet taking out random clothes without checking and running into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth really quickly, used the toilet and ran downstairs.

I ran down the stairs and grabbed the pancakes my mom made while running to the door to realise i wasn't wearing shoes. I put on my shoes and started running to school and i made a right on time as the teacher wasn't there yet. I looked around to see that i didn't know anyone in this class. 'Oh no.' i mentally screamed as i noticed i wasn't in the right class. I ran out to notice my class was one further. 'Stupid morning brain' i thought. Sadly i was late and but since my teacher is nice she let me off.

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It was lunch now and i was searching for Max and Jane. For the first time in a while i was able to walk freely without fear as my bullies got expelled. I entered the cafeteria to see Max and Jane sucking face in the corner. 'i really don't want to deal with this now'. I walked away to the tables that were outside and sat down to eat my food. I opened my bag to see that i forgot my lunch. "life sucks" i whispered to myself.

I was about to go back to my classroom to do my homework until i saw Mike walking to me. I pretended not to notice and tried to walk away until he started running and stopped me. "are u okey?" he asked with worry in his eyes. 'what am i supposed to do now' I started dozing off until Mike pinched me. "Ow what was that for" i said while pouting. "you looked like you just saw a ghost so i decided to help out" he smiled brightly. My heart did a backflip. I turned around trying to hide my blushing face. I guess i was too late as he was looking at me with even more worry.

"why is ur face red are you sick??" he said while giving me a bottle of water. "No i am fine don't worry now you can go back to where u was before". "Well um you see the problem is i don't know anyone except from you, Max and Jane". "Oh uh well that is understandable" i said while mentally slapping myself for forgetting he lost his memory. The thought still hurts me. "Well i don't think you should go to Max and Jane because they are doing something right now". "doing what exactly?". "that's for me to know and for you to find out." I said trying to protect his beautiful eyes from the scene i saw earlier. 'I wish he could remember me'. "He truly made me happy". "Who made you happy?" 'wait did i say that out loud'. "Oh uh no one don't worry about i was just rambling". "Oh ok"

There was an akward silence between us until we heard the bell. We said our fair wells and went to our classrooms. Tears were threatening to fall as i remembered what we used to be. I couldn't hold them in so i let them fall. I wiped away my tears as i was nearing to my classroom. 'I should ask him to come with me after class to one of the places we went to as a couple, but where should we go?' i was thinking until i remembered the cafe we went to last time. 'i'll ask him to go to the cafe with me'.

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It was the end of the day and i was searching for Mike until Max and Jane stopped me. "Where were u at lunch?!" Max yelled. "I came to u guys but you were eating each others faces so it was better if i just left you guys alone" i said with no interest in my voice. "Okey but can you hang out?" Jane asked while trying to hide her blushing face remembering the scene that happened earlier. "I'm sorry i can't i'm busy". Max and Jane looked at each other knowing i was lying. "Oh okey then bye". 'damn that was easy'.

-No one

Max and Jane pretended to leave whilst they in fact were hiding in a classroom waiting for Will to walk away. They followed him around not knowing where he was going until we saw him standing infront of a class. they hided as fast as we could as he turned his head around having a feeling someone was looking at him. He shrugged it off and continued walking until he saw Mike. He ran to him while Max and Jane were sneaking behind him. "Hey Mike" "Oh hey Will i didn't see you there, is everything okey?" Mike said while putting his books in his bag. "Oh uh yes i just wanted to ask if u wanted to come to xxx cafe with me?" "Oh sure let me just finish this really quickly". "Okey" Will said while smiling and waiting for him to finish, but little did he know that there were two sneaky girls behind him feeling proud of their little boy for making the first move.

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