Part 4

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It was Friday and i had just finished school. Everyone was talking about the party that was happening later on today. "It's just party tf", I mumbled to myself. "No it's not just a party. It's THE party". Someone had put there arms around my neck.

It was Max. "It's the party where everyone is going to get wasted and do stupid things", She said. "Also don't forget we are picking you up at 5 so get ready by then okey". "Yeah yeah", I said. I really didn't want to go but what can i do. If i go to sleep they will drag me out of my bed. If i decide to go to a shop they will somehow find me and still drag me to that party.

'The amount of sweaty and stinky people that are going to be there'. The thought of it even scared me. A lot of people are also most likely going to smoking. Disgusting.

I was now walking out of the big doors. I asked Max to give me a ride because i didn't want to walk today. She accepted. I hopped in the backseat and they drove me to my house.

I got out as soon as they parked in front of the house. My house was quite small but i don't care. As long as i live somewhere i am okey. I took my keys out of bag and opened the doors to be met with an empty house. 'Mom is probably at work', I thought to myself as i waved goodbye to both Max and Jane.

I closed the door and walked to my room. I straight away jumped on my bed and took my phone out of my pocket. I continued the anime i was currently watching. It was called Bungou Stray Dogs i really enjoy it.

It was about a boy who was kicked out of his orphanage because they didn't have enough food to feed him as there was a tiger eating all their food . Well that's what they told him. Then he was found by a man who was trying drown himself. Yes i know very strange.

But he helped him with his friends money and bought him food in return for information about the tiger. Soon after he found out he was the tiger and now it's just about him fighting the port mafia and trying to beat akutagawa. It's really good i absolutely love it with my whole heart

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It was now around 6:45 meaning I had t change now. I just took a striped long sleeved shirt with some black jeans. It looked quite good i have to admit.

I stood up to put on my shoes when the doorbell kept ringing. I opened it and was met with a sight of basically 2 naked girls. Jane was wearing a crop top with a really short skirt and Max was wearing short shorts and a crop top aswell. Their faces were packed with makeup aswell.

"Are you ready", Max asked me. "Yes let me just put on shoes", I replied. "Let me use the toilet", Jane said running inside. "This is why i told you to go before", Max yelled as she put her hand on her head.

Jane quickly ran back and we all went to the car. I didn't forget to take my keys and phone though. I opened the backseat and sat down. Max immediately started driving to the house. The house was about 5 minutes away from my house so we didn't have to drive for to long.

We all immediately got out and entered the house. It was full of drunk people and i was right when i said they were going to be stinky. The smell was a mix of alcohol and sweat. It was a good mix.

I went to turn around to speak to the girls but they already wondered off. 'They drag me here but won't even stay with me tf', I thought as i accidently bumped into someone. 'ah shit'. It was Lucas this time and what's worse is that he was drunk. I tried to turn back but Dustin was behind me.

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