Part 14

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I slowly open my eyes as very bright light filled the whole room. I tried to sit up but my back hurt so bad so I just decided to stay like I was. I looked around the room to see my mum sleeping with red puffy eyes. I wanted to apologise to my mum for not being able to protect myself nor mike but I think it's best if I let her sleep for a while. After about 5 minutes a doctor walked in "oh your awake".

"Do u want anything to eat" I didn't even notice I was hungry until my stomach made a inhuman noise. I quickly nodded my head and he left to inform on of the nurses. As the doctor came in my room a thought suddenly hit me hard. "Excuse me doctor but is mike awake now?" He shook his head with a sad smile plastered on his face. "Oh okey"

After a few minutes a nurse came in with some eggs and bacon with toast on the side. I also got some butter and a knife to spread it on the toast. There was some orange juice too which looked like it was fresh. It honestly looked good for hospital food. After all last time I came here they gave me food that wasn't as good.

I started eating the food and drank some of the orange juice as my mom slowly woke up. "Good morning will" "morning mom" she stood up and went to my bed and give me a kiss on the head. She then left the room to what I assume is to get some food for herself.

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It was about 4 hours later and mike still hadn't woke up and some thoughts popped in my head that I hope didn't actually happen. I quickly shook my head to get rid of them. I grabbed a book from the side of my bed and started reading it. It was called the little mermaid. Now of course u might think it's a kids book but for me it's just a book that inspires me to keep on going.

As I continued reading it a doctor came in my room and told me that mike woke up. My eyes literally sparked as I heard him. I quickly tried sitting up *key word tried* until I felt this painful shiver run from the top of my back to the bottom. I groaned as the pain spread to my shoulders and hips. The doctor rushed to me and gave me some painkillers to ease some of the pain.

I took one of the pills and drank some of the water next to my bed. "You should rest for the time being and you will be able to see mike as soon as all his test are finished" I nodded my head and continued reading the book as my eyes grew heavy and I soon fell asleep.

'Hey will' I looked up and saw mike staring at me. 'Hey mike are you okey now' , I asked. 'no I am not especially not with you here'. 'Huh'. 'You know what I mean your always causing trouble to those who are near you', He said. Will knew that was right but he didn't want to let go not yet. 'You should just die in a ditch somewhere'. 'Why are you acting like this', I said as a tear escaped my eye.

'I am not doing anything except from telling you the truth well at least they agree' I looked behind him and saw Jane, max and my mom. 'Your lying' I said as tears dropped down my face. 'I'm not now go and jump of a roof or something' I thought it was the best for everyone if I did so I left the room and went to the top floor. 'Do a backflip' i looked down to see Lucas. 'Finally we will have some peace' Dustin said relieved. I took steps toward the end of the roof and then quickly dropped my self.

I shook awake and I was getting a panic attack. 3 doctors rushed in my room as they were trying to calm down until Jane and max came. Jane quickly ran up to me and whispered some words to me softly and I started to calm down as her voice was so soothing. "Thank you" I said while giving here a hug as a tear fell from my eye. Soon a nurse came in and gave me some food.

"Thank you for coming guys" "that's what bestfriends are for after all" "yeah what she said" I giggled a bit. Max stood up and looked through the room to see if anyone was there and then took some sweets out of her bag. "I didn't give you this got it" I laughed a bit and thanked her. A thought soon hit me hard 'just die in a ditch somewhere' more tears fell down my face as max worriedly gave me a hug. "What's wrong" " do u guys think it's better if I just die after all I only cause you trouble"

"WHAT DONT YOU EVEN DARE SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN!" I flinched as she said that. "Max calm down your scaring him" "oh I'm sorry but listen will we love you with all our heart and u don't cause any trouble for us at all so don't even try and tell me you do" I smiled a bit as a tear rolled down my face.

A nurse then walked in and gave me some pills that would help me fall asleep. I put it in my mouth and took some water to drink with it. We continued talking until I fell into a deep slumber. They then checked if was asleep and then left.

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