Chapter 1

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

The annoying sound of the alarm was screaming at him to wake up. Groaning a bit, Morro reached for the alarm clock and tried to turn it off. After just a few seconds of feeling around for his alarm clock and touching nothing, the master of wind used his powers to push the clock off of the shelf. It hit the floor with a thud, but the alarm continued to shout.

"Urgh! No!" Morro groaned.

He got up out of bed, much to his dismay and picked up his clock. Finally, he hit the switch to turn off the alarm. The master of wind sighed in relief now that he couldn't hear the annoying beep anymore.

Morro climbed back into bed, closing his eyes and began to quickly fall back asleep. He let out a relaxed sigh, feeling at ease. But a few seconds later, he heard his phone buzz. He groaned and picked up his phone. He got a text message, but instead of opening it up and reading it, he only turned the volume down on his phone to mute it.

"No!" he groaned.

He set his phone back down on the nightstand and lied back down in bed. Closing his eyes, the master of wind tried to resume his slumber.

As he started to go back to sleep, a Pokémon came rushing over to his room. It was a Zorua, and she jumped up on her owner's bed. She smiled at Morro. The master of wind opened his eyes just slightly.

"Cute... but not today..." he groaned.

The Zorua frowned. She then climbed up on Morro and began to knead him with her little paws, making the master of wind groan more.

"Urgh! No!" Morro groaned again.

The Zorua only continued to knead him. Morro gently pushed her off with a hand, but she climbed back on him and continued.

Morro let out a frustrated sigh and pushed the Pokémon off of him again. This time, he pulled his sheet over him and curled into a ball.

The Zorua made an annoyed look. She climbed over to the lump that she knew was her trainer and began to jump on Morro.

From underneath the sheets, Morro let out another frustrated sigh. He just wanted to go back to sleep, but no matter how hard he tried, his Zorua wouldn't quit. Finally, he opened up his eyes and threw the sheets off of him. The Zorua looked up at him, giving him an innocent smile.

Finally, Morro opened his eyes widely and let out a frustrated sigh.

"Fine... you win Mangle..." he muttered.

The Zorua barked happily and jumped down. Morro sat up and let out another yawn. He stretched his arms as he did so. Once he was done, he heard his cell phone buzz.

"Huh?" he said. He reached over and picked up his phone, reading a text message he received.

Hey Morro! Maya and I will be at the treehouse at 11 am just like you asked! We're excited to meet Skylor! See you later!-Aiden

"Oh jeez! I forgot that was today!" said Morro.

The master of wind quickly got up. He rushed over to his dresser and pulled out a clean set of clothes. He pulled out a pair of jeans, a green jacket, and a black t-shirt with a ghost on it. Morro smiled lightly as he looked at the t-shirt. He quickly changed into the clean clothes and tossed his pjamas into his hamper. He quickly rushed to the kitchen, with Mangle walking alongside him.

The Zorua barked and jumped up as she walked with Morro.

"Alright, alright, Mangle. I'll get you your breakfast," he said.

Mangle barked happily as her owner opened up the cabinet and pulled out a box of Pokémon food. Morro picked up Mangle's food bowl off the floor and poured her some food before setting it back down on the floor. Mangle rushed over and almost immediately began to much down her food.

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