Chapter 19

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They didn't want to leave Rouge and Blaze to take care of Shadow and Silver by themselves, but Sonic and Aiden had no choice. The fight against Fawful's new forces was still going on, and they had to help the others before anyone else could get hurt. Besides, they had all three Seed Shooters and all the Mystery Seed ammo, which meant that they were the only chance for Kate to be freed from possession.

Rouge and Blaze insisted that they could take Shadow and Silver to safety, and urged them to go. So the guys went back to the Mushroom Kingdom.

After Sonic and Aiden began their mad dash back to the kingdom, Rouge and Blaze worked on figuring out how they were going to get Shadow and Silver help. Silver was completely knocked out, and Shadow now had a broken leg thanks to Ultra Violet. Rouge could fly, but she couldn't carry both Shadow and Silver. The girls figured that the best thing to do would have Rouge carry Shadow while flying, and Blaze would give Silver a piggy back ride. Though wanting to be sure that the two were close in case they got ambushed, Rouge didn't fly up super high in the sky. She stayed close to the ground.

They didn't know where else to take Shadow and Silver for treatment, so they figured that the best move was to get to the evacuation zone, where Peach was hiding with the Toads. Besides, Omega had stayed there, for the bot insisted that if any enemies came to the evacuation zone, then he would defend the innocent Toads and the queen from harm.

As for the guys, they made it to the gates, seeing that Fawful had already blasted a way inside the kingdom, and the biker gang and the rest of the baddies had stormed into the kingdom.

Sonic gasped when he saw Amy struggling to try to keep Ultra Violet at bay. The pink hedgehog had her Piko Piko hammer with her, and it was a good thing she was a crazy swinger herself, because Ultra Violet was trying to hit her with a katana.

"GET AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND!" Sonic angrily shouted.

The blue blur did a spin dash, knocking Ultra Violet to the side hard. This made the crazy woman drop her katana, but Sonic didn't show any mercy to her. He kicked Ultra Violet a few times, and with a hard blow from a homing attack, he knocked her out of the gated area.

"Amy, you okay?!" said Sonic.

"I'm fine! But we could use some help! Besides, I think Fawful's here somewhere! You have to save Kate!" she replied.

"I know! We can't rely on Shadow or Silver now!" said Sonic.

"What happened?!" shouted a voice.

Mario came dashing forward. He was Fire Mario, and he had thrown some fire balls at a few of the biker gang members, knocking them out or scaring them off if they managed to dodge the attacks.

"Silver's unconscious, and Shadow got a broken leg! Rouge and Blaze had to get them to safety!" said Sonic.

"Are you serious!?" said Amy, forming a shocked look.

"Now how can we hold Fawful still without Silver?! We can't let him keep possessing Kate forever!" said Mario.

"I don't know, but we gotta find him and put an end to the possession!" said Sonic.

"Sonic, scout the area! We got these guys!" said Amy.

She swung her hammer as she spoke, hitting another member of the biker gang.

Sonic didn't need to be told twice. The blue hedgehog already began to run through the kingdom in search of the mad magician. The others continued their focus on the intruders to the kingdom.

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