Chapter 23

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The ninja had enough from Fawful.

Last time, he kidnapped Lloyd, tried to use a still corrupted Garmadon to side with him, and attempted to create his own Oni to launch a war on Ninjago.

That was nothing, as opposed to how much damage Fawful caused this time. He revived Harumi, possessed Kate, mind controlled Lloyd, broke out the Sons of Garmadon, and got Dareth and Clouse to join him. And that wasn't the end of what he had done this time. Because this time, someone had died as a consequence of his actions.

Cole wasn't here to join the fight, because he was grieving over losing Bonnie to a mutated Harumi.

Fawful noticed, which made the magician grin.

"I see that the ninja in black isn't joining us. Where is he?" he said.

He then eyed Lloyd and said, "Were you really speaking some degree of truth when you said that the ninja were dead?"

"You bastard! Cole is my best friend!" Jay shouted at Fawful. "Your little 'experiment' killed his girlfriend! Do you know how much grief you've caused him!?"

"Eh, why does he have to cry over one fan girl? He's famous, so he can easily get another one," said Fawful.

That ticked off Jay, but surprisingly, before the lightning ninja could react, Nya beat him to it. She shot a blast of water at Fawful. It didn't do much, but it did keep Fawful in place.

Aiden pulled out his Seed Shooter. They still had to free Kate from Fawful, so with the magician in place, he had to take the chance. He pulled the trigger, and a mystery seed went flying out. It hit Fawful, and the magician groaned.

"No!" shouted Fawful.

He began to twitch a little, but he resisted. He wasn't going to lose his possession.

"Hit him again!" cried Maya.

Aiden loaded another mystery seed into the Seed Shooter, but Fawful already recovered from the effects. He pulled out his staff and shot a blast of magic at the group. Everyone jumped out of the way.

As the group scattered, Aiden rushed over to where Sonic's unconscious body was. He searched Sonic's vest pockets, and pulled out the rest of the blue hedgehog's ammo and the two Seed Shooters that he had on it.

Zane and Nya rushed over, seeing that Aiden was trying to prepare to finally stop Fawful.

"Aiden, let us assist you!" said Zane.

Aiden didn't even bother trying to disagree. He handed each of them a Seed Shooter and a little bit of the remaining mystery seed ammo.

"Make every shot count!" he told them.

Zane and Nya nodded their heads as they grabbed the gear. The three then rushed out, ready to fight back.

Even though he was greatly outnumbered, Fawful didn't show any signs of backing down. He had confidence, for the heroes already had to face off his forces. He had all of his energy for dealing with all of them, while they possibly didn't have enough energy. He only grinned as everyone eyed him, and then began to attack him.

Luigi pulled out an ice flower, turning into Ice Luigi. Fawful grinned as he saw the green plumber switch, and when Luigi threw some ice at him, Fawful didn't move. He let himself get frozen.

Zane and Nya were ready to fire, but Mario quickly stopped them.

"Don't!" he said. He coughed a little, still injured from fighting earlier and said, "Sonic and I already tried that before you all got here! The ice protects him from the effects!"

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