Chapter 12

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After the group left Beacontown, walking far past the outskirts, the ninja were told by the twins and Aiden that they could remove their hoods for a short amount of time. After they did, they were further amazed to see the forest outside of Beacontown was also made of blocks. They couldn't help but gaze at their surroundings as they walked onward.

The Jesse twins and Aiden led the way, taking the ninja to someone that they knew who lived outside of the town. They hoped that this acquaintance could allow them to borrow some horses, so that they could get to Post Town and find Vos and Sammy quicker.

"Listen, when we get to Emerald's house, you should... let us do the talking," said F. Jesse.

"Why? Your friend a bit paranoid and wary of strangers?" asked Cole.

"Emerald had a rough childhood. She's still trying to get used to calling us her friends and trusting others. And with the whole other universes thing, it's a lot more for her to grasp, but she is aware of it all because our friend Soren, who is the one who first informed us about there being other universes, he's close with Emerald, so obviously, he told her about everything," said F. Jesse.

"Close huh? Why do I guess that they're more than friends?" Kai said, grinning a bit.

"That's another thing we should mention: don't tease her about her relationship with Soren. She won't take it lightly," said M. Jesse.

"But are they more than friends?" asked Jay.

"Jay, I think we shouldn't be nosy about that," said Nya.

"What? It's just a simple question!" said Jay.

"They are more than friends, but uh... a lot of Soren's friends have teased him and Emerald about it. And Emerald doesn't take things lightly, so... just don't be nosy and ask them if they're more than friends. Trust me," said M. Jesse.

"Well, considering that we have to ask her if she can lend us some of her horses, we'll make sure to heed your word and not upset your friend," said Zane.

"Yeah. So let us do the talking," said F. Jesse.

The group continued walking, and soon, they noticed a pathway made of cobblestone, leading to a new direction through the forest.

"The cobblestone path. We're getting close. This way," said F. Jesse.

After a few more minutes of walking, the group spotted a house in the distance. The area was fenced off, and they could see lots of animals roaming around the fenced off area freely. Most of which were cows, chickens, pigs, and bunnies.

"Your friend like animals?" asked Cole.

"She doesn't like eating any meat except for fish. Animals were the only friends she grew up with. She kinda made her home a sanctuary for some animals since a lot of these animals get hunted for food," said F. Jesse.

The group walked up to the fenced area. F. Jesse opened up the gate and let the group go in, one at a time. Once everyone was inside, she was the last to walk into the area, and she closed the gate behind her.

"Hmm... where do you think Emerald could be?" asked Aiden.

"I don't know, but hopefully she's not here and not in the nether," said F. Jesse.

The group began to look around the area, splitting up as they did. As the group split up, the ninja could see that there were a couple of other buildings as well. A small hut made of nether bricks, where through the windows, they could see that it appeared to be an enchanting room. A small barn, where a ton of sheep in various colors were housed in. An enderman statue made of dyed wool. A building made of wooden blocks, which appeared to be a stable.

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