Chapter 3

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After a restless night, Kate finally woke up when the sun was up and shining in the sky. When she woke up, she was surprised to find the other side of the bed empty. She put on her glasses, and picked up her phone. There was one new text message, and it was from Knuckles.

Hey Kate. Sorry that I had to leave so suddenly. Tails called me and said he needs some extra help at his workshop, and it does require some heavy lifting. I'll be home later. Have a good day! Love, Knuckles

Kate shrugged her shoulders and typed a quick response to let her husband know that she got his note. She didn't mind that Knuckles had left, for she didn't want to worry her husband nor arise suspicions.

So she got up, got dressed and fixed her hair, and headed downstairs to feed the Pokémon breakfast. Her Pokémon circled around her crying as she prepared their food (mainly Oshawott acted that way), and once they were fed, she made herself a bowl of cereal. As she ate her breakfast, she heard her phone buzz off, meaning that she got another new text message. She opened it up, and to her surprise, it wasn't a reply from Knuckles. It was a new message, from Morro.

Hey Kate. I'm planning on having another double date hangout with Aiden, Maya, and Skylor today. We'll be at the treehouse in a little bit to make up for yesterday. Hope you don't mind-Morro

Kate bit her lip as she read the message. She was planning to head to Ninjago, so now that Morro, Aiden, and Maya were going back, then she had to be more careful about how she was going to approach the situation. After taking a few minutes, she finally typed a reply to Morro.

Hi Morro. That's alright. I'm planning on going to Ninjago to catch up with the ninja. You guys go ahead and enjoy your time with Skylor once we all get there-Kate

She hit the send button and put her phone down. She then proceeded to finishing her breakfast. As she ate, sitting by herself at the table, one of the Pokémon, Knuckles's Riolu, peered up from her bowl and looked at the human. The Riolu formed a concerned look, for she could sense some unease from Kate's aura.

Riolu walked over to Kate and gently tapped on Kate's leg, catching her attention. Kate looked down, seeing the Pokémon's concerned expression.

"It's alright, Riolu. Everything's fine," she said, giving the Pokémon a small smile.

Her smile wasn't enough to convince Riolu. The Pokémon didn't change her expression. Kate felt uncomfortable with her husband's Pokémon looking at her that way, so she turned her focus back to her breakfast and continued to eat.

'Can't let anyone know that I'm worried. Something's going to happen, and I have to stop it, whatever it is...' she thought.

Shortly after Kate finished eating, Morro, Aiden, and Maya arrived at the treehouse. After telling her Pokémon goodbye, and leaving a note for Knuckles for when he returns home from his errands, Kate pulled out the Ninjago book, and she and her friends jumped into the portal that opened up.

The trip didn't last long, and sure enough, they landed in the monastery of spinjitzu, right in the middle of the open court. The four landed with a thud on the ground, startling the ninja, who were out doing some training.

"Whoa!" cried Jay.

The four friends who just teleported in the monastery groaned, and one by one, they got up. The ninja formed stunned looks when they saw that they had unexpected visitors.

"Guys, back again already?!" said Jay.

He and Nya rushed over and helped them all stand up.

"Well, I wanted to try to redo the double date thing with Skylor today," said Morro. He rubbed his head a bit and said, "But also, Kate said she wanted to come by and catch up, right?"

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