Chapter 13

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Surrounded by angry pillagers who were pointing their loaded crossbows at them, the group stayed in place. The horses made nervous noises, but the group tried their best to keep the horses still. Any sudden movements and the pillagers might fire at them.

"Jesse, what do we do?" Nya whispered to her.

F. Jesse didn't say anything. Instead, she sighed and put her arms up, indicating surrender. Her twin brother and Aiden followed her action, doing the same. The ninja were stunned, but after hearing the pillagers mutter angrily, one by one, they put their arms up.

"This is ridiculous! We're ninja! We shouldn't surrender!" Kai hissed at the group.

"I don't like it either, but we're surrounded, and frankly, I don't want to die!" Jay hissed back at him.

One pillager approached the group. Still pointing the loaded crossbow at them, he muttered some angry noises. The group couldn't understand what he said, but based on the motion he was making with his crossbow, he was telling them to move forward and go with them as their prisoners.

The group got off of their horses. Walking with their arms up, they followed the pillagers. The horses made nervous noises as four other pillagers came and grabbed their harnesses, forcefully making them come along.

But just as the group started to walk, the sound of an explosion went off behind them. The pillagers turned around, seeing how there was a huge crater behind them. Taking the chance, F. Jesse punched a pillager near her, knocking it out. The others quickly got into action and made their move.

The ninja drew out their weapons and quickly knocked out the closest pillagers. M. Jesse and Aiden, weapons in hand, charged at the pillagers who had their horses. Along with F. Jesse, they killed the pillagers and freed the rescued horses.

"Let's get out of here!" F. Jesse called to the ninja.

The ninja quickly turned around to face them. They scrambled to get back on the horses, and as they did, they saw someone else riding a horse come from running behind. They were accompanied by two other people, also on horses.

It was Petra, and to the surprise of the twins, she was companied by Jack and Gabriel.

"Petra!?" cried F. Jesse.

"This way! Now's our only chance!" she told them.

She made her horse quickly run ahead, followed closely by Jack and Gabriel. The twins and their group quickly followed after them. As they escaped, they could hear another horn go off.

"Oh slimeblocks, even more!?" cried Gabriel.

"Just follow us and stay together!" Jack called out to the group behind them.

The group ran out on the battlefield that was ahead of them. Some pillagers were out in the open, most of which had crossbows. The pillagers let out angry noises and fired at the group as much as they could, but luckily, no one nor the horses got hit by an arrow.

The group dashed through the battlefield, approaching the area with the wall surrounding it. As they got closer, the twins and their friends noticed that there was a huge lava fall coming down.

"Open up! Hurry!" Petra shouted out.

Someone was up on the wall. They heard her shout, so they quickly pulled a leaver. A click sound went off, and the lava stopped pouring out, revealing an entry way through the wall. The horses ran through, bringing the group inside, and once everyone was on the other side, the person hit the switch again, making lava pour back out of the dispensers and close up the opening.

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