Chapter 22

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As soon as they figured out where Fawful was going to, Mario and Sonic didn't waste any time. They hadn't even told the others that they had to leave the fight in the Mushroom Kingdom. There wasn't any time for that, because the fate of their world, as well as others, could be at stake.

Fawful was set on reviving Dark King, and he was heading to the treehouse in the hopes of breaking through the barrier and looking for his grave on Earth. The barrier would normally prevent him from getting through, but while he was possessing Kate...

The guys didn't want to even risk it. As soon as they figured out that was where Fawful was heading, they immediately headed out.

Thanks to Sonic's super speed, the duo were able to get there quickly, and sure enough, once they got close enough, they saw him. Fawful was quiet a distance from the treehouse, and he was shouting in frustration.

"Why can't I get through the damn barrier?! I am the Dreamer of Peace, so I should be good enough to get in!" he shouted in frustration.

"Because you're not our sister!" Mario shouted angrily.

Fawful turned around. Though he was angry, he gave the plumber and the hedgehog an evil smile.

"So, you finally found me. Congratulations," he said.

"That was the reason you possessed Kate?! To get in her house!?" Sonic shouted angrily.

"Lovely guess, but not entirely correct. Yes, I do need to get into your treehouse, but just to use the portal that goes to Earth. It is the only way to get there, after all, which is where her dear dead friend is sleeping, waiting for me to wake him up," said Fawful.

"You have no idea what kind of hell he put us all through, and you clearly don't get what Kate had to go through because of him! You're NOT bringing him back! We'll never allow it!" said Sonic.

"You have no further use for our sister, so let her go Fawful!" Mario shouted angrily.

Fawful laughed and said, "She's gone! She's so far into the possession, there's no coming back from it! She can't even fight against me anymore!"

Sonic let out an angry yell. The blue hedgehog began to spin, and he did a spin dash attack on Fawful, smashing him against the barrier. As Sonic attacked Fawful, Mario pulled out a fire flower and turned into Fire Mario.

"LET HER GO!" Mario shouted angrily.

The plumber threw some fireballs at Fawful. Sonic was close, but he moved back and avoided getting hurt. Fawful got hit a few times, and it did hurt. But he merely laughed it off.

"The more you hurt me, the more you hurt your precious sister instead..." he taunted them.

"Kate would forgive us! She knows that we're trying to save her!" Sonic growled.

"So you would rather risk killing your friend if it means killing me? What kind of friends are you to her then? Ha!" he taunted them.

Both Mario and Sonic let out angry yells. They both attacked Fawful again, this time in fits of rage more than in determination to try to save Kate. Sonic dashed past Fawful multiple times, while Mario threw more fire balls, and even jumped up and on Fawful's head.

Fawful let out a groan, but he pulled out his staff and waved it. In just a few seconds, along with some sparkles from the spell he used, he was completely healed.

"I can play all day with you two! And I'll win this game! I've already defeated your sister, so you're both next!" said Fawful, grinning deviously.

"This is not a game, you bastard!" shouted Mario.

The plumber threw more fire balls at Fawful, but this time, the magician dodged them all. Mario then pulled out an ice flower, and he shifted into Ice Mario.

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