Chapter 25

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"We can't go back and forth between this world and Ninjao, forever..."

The ninja formed horrified looks as soon as Kate brought it up. And they weren't the only ones, for Morro, Skylor, and PIXAL gasped when they heard it. Misako and Wu only solemnly nodded their heads, while Garmadon was tearing up.

"Do you truly think that this is the best call for action?" asked Master Wu.

"We don't like it, but... after everything that happened, it all came down because Fawful got to your world," said Sonic.

"And we agree with Kate, that it is for the better, that we no longer travel back and forth between this world and yours," said Mario.

"Once everyone is home, we will burn the book that opens the portal to your world. And we request that you do the same for the book that opens a portal to our world, when you return home," said Shadow.

"We understand. If it will protect us all, then... perhaps... we should say goodbye..." Garmadon said, sounding very upset. The old man sniffled, but he looked down, trying not to break down.

"No!" someone cried out.

Everyone turned to face Morro, who was starting to cry. He didn't look cross, for he looked like he was about to break down.

"I don't wanna say goodbye forever! I don't wanna leave everyone forever! This is my home, but I don't want to let go of Ninjago because everyone is my friend! I don't want to lose anyone here either!" he sobbed.

Skylor sniffled as well.

"I agree. I don't want to say goodbye to anyone either. I've already drifted from the group before, and I don't want to let go..." she said.

Jay broke down into sobs. As much as he wanted to try to tell everyone that he didn't want to let go of his new friends, he couldn't muster the words for he was crying hard.

"I just lost Bonnie. I don't want to say goodbye to everyone here..." Cole said, feeling the urge to break down.

"As much as I understand that it is for the better, I would be very disheartened to have to let go of the friendships I've established with everyone in this world..." Zane said sadly.

"I agree. I can't bring myself to agree with this decision," said PIXAL.

"I don't want to say goodbye either," said Nya.

"There has to be another way! Please, we don't have to say goodbye forever!" said Kai.

"How can you all be okay with this decision?! We're not okay with it! We can't say goodbye to you all!" said Lloyd.

To their surprise, Kate was tearing up as they all cried out, pleading for the decision to be changed.

"You think I'm okay with this? You think I want to let you all go and never see you all again?!" she sniffled. "I don't want to lose you all either!"

She started to cry more, and she covered her face as she sobbed. Mario and Sonic hugged her to comfort her, but they ended up starting to tear up as well.

The ninja all walked over and joined on the hug. Soon, Garmadon couldn't hold back the tears anymore, and he joined in. Next thing everyone knew, the rest of the Ninjago residents came and joined in on the hug.

While the group shared their hug, the others who had come in for the meeting sat in their seats, letting them have the moment. Peach and Silver teared up. Luigi was starting to sniffle, and had to cover his face to not break down in front of everyone. Tails and Amy tried their best to wipe away any tears they had. Rouge had a very sad, glum look on her face. Even Shadow, who was normally the calm and quiet type, was showing emotion. The black hedgehog closed his eyes and looked away, so that no one could see him tear up ever so slightly.

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