Chapter 11

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"Wait, you think you know someone who can help us get Kate unpossessed by Fawful? Who could possibly know something that Merlon doesn't?" Sonic asked the Jesse twins, forming a confused look.

"We were talking about it when we got back, while Morro went to go get help. Do you remember when you first met Jack?" said F. Jesse.

"The dude with the eyepatch, father-figure to Petra. Yeah. I remember him," said Sonic.

"Jack wanted to know if Sammy and Vos had respawned in another world, and not only did he find them in your world, but it turns out that Sammy and Vos had been looking for their way home. They mentioned how they've gone to so many other universes in their search," said M. Jesse.

"Sammy? Vos? I don't remember meeting them in the Redemption Group..." said Morro.

"They aren't reformed villains like you, Morro. But they are like you, in another sense," said Aiden. "You've respawned after you died in your world, right? Well, Vos and Sammy had a similar fate."

"What, really? Huh... now that you mention it, I think Kate brought them up when she explained the whole respawning thing..." said Morro.

"Anyway, Vos and Sammy died in our world a long, long time ago. They respawned in another world, and it took them so long to not only get home but get their memories back as well, they don't even remember how many worlds they've gone to," said F. Jesse.

"And I was just about to ask, just how many universes are there?" Cole muttered to himself.

"But this Vos and Sammy, because of their travels to other worlds, you think they may know something that can help us save Kate?" Nya asked the twins.

"It's worth a shot. If they don't know, then we can always try going to someone else in our world. We have some friends who are pretty wise," said F. Jesse.

"Yeah. Even Ivor, our father figure, he's a master with potions in our world, so who knows? He could have an idea if we have to ask him. It wouldn't hurt to ask," said M. Jesse.

"Well, we have no other ideas on how to free Kate from her possession. We know what to do about setting Lloyd free from his control and making sure Harumi goes back to hell, so I think we should try it," said Mario.

"Still, we can't neglect the fact that Fawful's going to be coming here, looking for a fight. Knowing him, even if we brought the books with us, he's gonna find another way back here," said Sonic.

"So... we just wait until the bad guys come here?" Jay asked them, forming a confused look.

"I can understand why you would rather wait while you have this advantage. Fighting on your own territory is an advantage since you know the lay of the land," said Zane.

"Exactly, and we know who is capable of fighting and who isn't, which is why we need to evacuate the kingdom," said Sonic.

"I'll get to work on evacuating my people. Mario, Sonic, please gather reinforcements. Meanwhile, I'll see about anyone who can stay and fight on fortifying the castle," said Peach.

She then turned to face the Jesse twins and said, "But if you two have an idea on how to free our friend from possession, I suggest you go to Vos and Sammy and ask for any leads they have."

"We will. Though we think we should have a team come with us. We don't know where Vos and Sammy are at this very second, so chances are, we may have to move out in our world. And having strength in numbers is an advantage," said F. Jesse.

"I can come. I don't think I'll be of use fortifying the castle, and I'm better at fighting monsters in our world instead," said Aiden.

Morro then faced the five ninja and said, "You guys should go with them."

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