Chapter 6

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Everyone was still in shock. The sight of seeing Garmadon fall on the floor and have a seizure, screaming inhumanely was horrifying enough. Then a light formed around him and consumed him, shifting into a black color as it grew and consumed Garmadon. And now that it was all over, they could see Garmadon, but he wasn't himself anymore.

He was in his Oni form again. He was Lord Garmadon again.

No one spoke. They all just stared at him, as he was lying on the floor.

But something seemed off. As terrifying as Lord Garmadon was, back in his Oni form and with four arms, he stared at them with a confused look.

"Wha- what happened to me?" he asked them.

He suddenly groaned in pain, still hurt by what happened.

Misako suddenly approached him slowly.

"G-Garmadon?" she asked him, a little quietly.

"Misako, please help me up. It still hurts, whatever it was," said Garmadon.

Misako reached a hand out to her husband. To the group's surprise, Garmadon took it instantly. She helped him stand up, and as he did, the group was still in shock by what they witnessed.

"I'm... I'm okay, I think," said Garmadon.

"I uh... I don't know about that..." said Jay, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"I... I feel fine," said Garmadon.

"Uh, but you don't look fi-" Jay started to say, but Nya quickly elbowed her fiancé to cut him off. Jay groaned a bit, but he didn't frown.

"What... what do you mean?" Garmadon asked, before letting out another groan.

He turned to look at Misako, and noticed that he was now taller than his wife. Misako was looking up at him with a concerned look on her face. That caught his attention, and he looked down at his hands. Garmadon gasped when he saw that his hands were the color black, and that he had an extra pair of arms once again.

"N-no! It can't be p-possible! H-how?!" he said.

"Garmadon, are you... still you? You're not evil, right?" said Jay.

"I... I don't feel evil, I think..." said Garmadon, forming a confused look.

Zane walked up and used his scanner to see if he could understand what is going on. A light blue light emitted from his eyes as he scanned Garmadon, from top to bottom. In just a few seconds, Zane finished scanning him.

"My sensors detect that you have changed physically, but there are no detections of your mental state changing," said Zane.

"Meaning, you are still yourself on the inside, even if you're back to appearing in your Oni form," said PIXAL.

Garmadon let out a sigh. "As long as I'm not evil on the inside and still myself..." he said.

"But how could this happen? How could this happen?" Wu asked, forming a worried look.

"We better get you back to the Dream Universe. Maybe someone there can explain what happened to you, Garmadon," said Aiden.

"Yeah. A few of our friends there have been studying magic and stuff like that, so they could help us!" said Maya.

"I'll go get the book!" said Jay.

He dashed out of the room. As the lightning ninja left, Garmadon let out a sigh.

This was the last thing he wanted. To be in his Oni form again. He was finally able to make amends with all of Ninjago, and rekindle with his family, and he could be losing it all yet again.

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