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Dear Morro,

I hope you and the ninja are doing alright. I miss you all dearly, and it pains me that I cannot check in with you all in person. But don't forget that you are in my prayers and I hope you're all doing better after everything we went through. I especially hope that Cole is doing okay, for I know how hard loss is...

Things back home are alright for the most part. The kingdom is close to being fully repaired. I wish I had the strength to help with the repairs, because with my powers, it could've been finished sooner. But Mario and Peach understand, and they aren't pushing me to do all the work. Still, I'm making sure to check in and see if I can help in any other way. But they insist that they want to prolong the repairs as much as they can without hurting the economy in the kingdom, because they've been talking about having kids in at least a few years later into the marriage.

Sonic and I hope that Mario can become a dad. We'd have a niece or a nephew! And speaking of family, don't tell anyone that I told you this, but Sonic came by the other day, and told me that he has plans for his future. He's saving some extra cash now, because he wants to propose to Amy.

Everyone who got hurt physically is healing. Shadow's still in his cast, but he'll be able to walk again soon. Things have been quiet since Fawful fled, but we'll be ready if he shows his face again. I'm making sure that we're aware of that warning Lloyd gave us before we all had to say goodbye.

I hope you're doing okay, living with Skylor and all that. Please give everyone my love when you can.

Love, your friend,


Morro teared up as he read the letter in his journal that Kate just wrote him. Though he was saddened to miss his friends back in the Dream Universe, he couldn't help but smile as he read the good news that Kate shared in the letter. Mangle spotted the glum look on her trainer, and she gently nuzzled her head against his leg.

Morro looked down. He gave his Zorua a smile and gently pat her on the head.

"Morro?" he heard Skylor's voice from outside his door, followed by the sound of a knock.

"Yes Skylor?" he called out.

"You ready to go?" she called out.

"Yeah. Just a second," he said. He looked back down at his Pokémon and said, "I'm gonna be gone for a little bit, okay? You be a good girl until I get back."

Mangle barked and nodded her head.

Morro got up from his seat and exited his room. As he did, Mangle jumped up on the bed and curled up in a ball, quickly dozing off into a nap. The master of wind followed Skylor, and the two exited their apartment and began to head out.

The walk to the monastery was calm. Ever since the chaos that Fawful caused, things were calm in Ninjago once again. In fact, it had been calmer longer than anyone had been anticipated. Already a couple months had passed by, so it was surprising to see the peace lasting this long, and the days seemed to keep going.

It took a while, but soon, Morro and Skylor made it to the monastery. When they knocked on the gates, PIXAL let them in. they entered the courtyard, and they saw that Jay and Nya's suitcases were all ready. The couple had their wedding a day ago, and they were going to be leaving for their honeymoon in a little bit.

"Hey Jay. Hey Nya," Morro greeted them.

"You guys all packed up?" asked Skylor.

"Yeah, but we're not leaving for about another hour," said Nya.

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