Chapter 5

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Kate didn't want to be around Dareth. Knowing what a selfish person he was, she could sense how strong his wish to have powers was. And she didn't like it, for the last time she could sense a huge degree of selfishness in a person was when Dark King was still around.

Talking to him didn't save her former friend, and based on how selfish Dareth was, Kate knew that telling him that no means no wouldn't get her some personal space.

She turned to leave. Besides, she had to make sure that Ninjago was still safe. Too bad Dareth spotted her and called out to her.

"Hey! I know you!" he called to her.

Kate continued to walk away, keeping her back turned towards him. Hoping to avoid a confrontation, she said, "You must be mistaken... I have no clue who you are," loud enough for him to hear her as she walked away.

"No I do know you! You're that dreamer girl who had used her power to save Garmadon!" Dareth shouted.

Kate froze. She stopped walking away, but kept her back turned to Dareth.

Out of all the things he could say, this was nothing Kate expected from Dareth.

Now that Kate wasn't walking away, Dareth approached her. He walked at a fast pace, and as he approached her, he had a big smile on his face.

"It is you! Wow! It's been a long time since we last saw each other!" he said.

Dareth was a few feet away from her. He reached out a free hand to try to touch her, but before he could, Kate spun around quickly. As she did, she drew out her sword, pointing it right at Dareth, giving him an angry glare as she did.

Dareth let out a panicked yelp as Kate pointed the blade at him.

"How do you remember who I am?" Kate growled at him.

"How can I not? I remember meeting you when you came to Ninjago with that blue dude! And then I saw you hanging out with the ninja at the monastery another time!" said Dareth. He smiled nervously as he spoke.

"Oh I remember those times. The time you insulted me and my brother, and when you wouldn't stop bothering me with your demand. But you didn't answer my question," Kate sneered.

She took a step closer to him, still pointing her sword. Dareth took a step back, but he still smiled nervously.

"How do you remember who I am?!" Kate repeated. "I erased your memory regarding me!"

"But why would you do that? We're friends, right?! You're a friend of the ninja. I'm a friend of the ninja. So that means we're friends with each other, right?!" said Dareth.

"We are not friends, you greedy pig! I know why you would hang around my friends! You only wanted to use them since they're famous heroes! Well guess what? Being a hero isn't about getting fame and attention. Unlike you, my friends and I risk our lives to protect our homes and those we care about! We have a real reason, a worthy reason, to fight evil!" said Kate.

She put her sword away, but she glared at Dareth angrily and continued to approach him.

"So answer the damn question already. How the hell do you remember who I am?!" Kate said, starting to raise her voice.

"I-I just do remember! And it's good, right, because we're friends!" Dareth said, stuttering.

Kate sighed angrily. "I don't have time for you! I'm on a mission!" she said angrily.

She turned around once again and began to walk away.

"W-wait! Don't go yet! I-I was still hopping you could grant my w-wish! We are friends right? So friends help each other out!" said Dareth.

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