Chapter 24

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"Lloyd?! Lloyd wake up!"

The green ninja felt someone shaking his shoulder, causing him to finally snap out of his nightmare and wake up. And when he woke up, he saw the eyes of his boyfriend looking down at him with a concerned look.

"Lloyd, you okay? You were talking in your sleep again..." said Kai.

"I keep hearing that maniac's laugh in my sleep..." Lloyd yawned.

"He put you through a lot. I don't blame you," said Kai.

"He put me through a lot?! What about you?" Lloyd told him.

As he spoke, the green ninja couldn't help but look at Kai's bandages, which was covering up the fading wound he got when he got stabbed. More specifically, when Lloyd stabbed him while trapped under a spell.

"Lloyd, I keep telling you, it doesn't hurt anymore. I'll be fine," said Kai.

"I know... I know..." the green ninja said, letting out a sigh.

"Same nightmare again?" asked Kai.

"Yeah... I don't think I can go back to sleep..."

"Go ahead and get some fresh air. I think it's almost morning anyway."

"I won't be long though, okay? I don't want anything else to happen to you."

Kai chuckled and said, "You worry way too much, Lloyd."

Lloyd smirked and said, "I should be telling you that."

The green ninja quickly gave his boyfriend a quick kiss on the forehead and then got up from bed. Kai laid down and began to doze off back to sleep, while Lloyd got up from bed. The green ninja stretched a little bit, and then changed out of his sleep attire and back into his normal green gi.

As quietly as he could, Lloyd slipped out of the guest room that he and Kai were staying at in the treehouse.

It had been five days since the battle against Fawful had been put to an end. With the Mushroom Kingdom going through some repairs, the Toads got to work, and were focused on getting things back to normal as soon as possible. As for the villains who were captured, and hadn't fled or were killed in the aftermath, they were locked up in the dungeons in the castle, which was strangely still intact despite the fight the ninja had against the mutant monster.

After the battle was over, everyone had gone back to the Dream Village to get some rest. Well, almost everyone, for those who were injured had to get some medical treatment. Those who were still trying to recover or weren't released yet, they were back at the Mushroom Kingdom, getting the treatment they needed.

Lloyd crept downstairs to the living room. He found himself alone, which he expected. Kate still hadn't woken up after being freed from possession, and she was back at the Mushroom Kingdom. Knuckles was staying with her, but the echidna told anyone who had no place to stay to feel free to take the guest rooms at the treehouse.

The green ninja just walked over to the window, and he stared off in the distance as he saw that the sun was starting to rise. With morning near, he decided to distract himself by going to the kitchen and making some breakfast.

He didn't know how to cook much, as compared to the master chef Zane was. But the nindroid wasn't awake right now, and Lloyd decided to give Zane a break from being the cook. So he started with a simple meal and began to crack some eggs in a bowl to scramble on the stove.

A little while later, as he was busy cooking the eggs, Lloyd hard someone come into the kitchen. He turned around, and to his surprise, it was Nya who came in.

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