Nightmares and Abolition Trivia

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The title, as it is the sequel to "Dreams and Spinjitzu", "Nightmares and Abolition" is represent the polar opposites to what the first story's title referenced.

The Dream Universe has had to fend of the Nightmares, while Spinjitzu is meant to be a part of creation, and "abolition" is a synonym for "destruction".

Originally, I intended to title the story "Nightmares and Resurrection". I changed the title because I felt that the "resurrection" part of the title was going to give away the hint that Harumi was coming back from beyond the grave.

The cover page was intentionally meant to look similar to the first story's cover page, but in a darker aspect. The two symbols, the Dark King's eyes and the red skull, signify that the Nightmares and the general aspect of defeat defy the hero sides of the two universes in the world. The yin yang pendant is completely black to signify the looming threat.

The idea of this sequel came as the first story "Dreams and Spinjitzu", was nearly completed in the drafting stage. I considered the thought of a sequel, and had put together a potential idea before I created the first story's epilogue.

The aspect of Harumi being revived in a demonic and undead state was inspired by Stephen King's Pet Sematary, one of my favorite novels by him.

The descent of her growing worse and worse, losing her humane personality as the story goes by was a representation to show how unhealthy obsession can lead to insanity, especially when the root of it comes from blaming others for your loss.

I know that it is out of character for Dareth to be a villain. Him becoming a good guy gone bad is a representation of how selfishness and greed ruins one's humane personality. How far he was willing to go, making a deal with Fawful, just to get powers and remove the ninja just for all the fame for himself, is a representation of that ugly side of humanity because of how greed and power can get to us.

His descent into insanity was inspired by the fate of a young Henry Bowers from Stephen King's It. Dareth going insane because of the powers Fawful gave him is similar to how Henry was driven to insanity because of the influence of Pennywise.

Lloyd being controlled by Harumi and under the love spell was a part of the scrapped inspiration for what was originally going to happen in "Dreams and Spinjitzu" when he and Kate were taken by Fawful.

Harumi putting Lloyd under the spell was a representation of toxic relationships, and it fit her character to put Lloyd under her control and kill his friends as the "ultimate revenge" on the ninja.

Bonnie is an OC that I created for the story. I wanted to make her a fleshed out character, but unlike with many other romances, she was meant to die and stay dead. The decision to have her stay temporary was from my decision to not make a typical romance for Cole that I've seen other fans create (most commonly with an OC, if not Jay). She was created before season 13 of Ninjago, Master of the Mountain was released, so she was created before Vania was introduced in the series and before I shipped Cole with Vania.

Bonnie wasn't intended to stay alive after this story since I didn't want her to stay just so that Cole has a girlfriend. Her stay was temporary, so that Cole wouldn't be the only one who is single for a bit, seeing as he is the only ninja I didn't have paired with someone.

Bonnie's position and wanting to help the heroes despite her limitations in the story was inspired by Bob Newby from season 2 of Stranger Things. The idea to create her came after I recapped on the character and looked back on how important he was in season 2.

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