Chapter 15

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"Kai!" called out a voice.

The fire ninja immediately jumped up as he heard his name called out. He ran towards the owner of the voice, and he skidded to a halt when he saw that it was his boyfriend who called out to him.

Lloyd smiled at him, and Kai felt a sense of relief when he saw that his boyfriend was safe, and that the green ninja's eyes were their normal color.

"Lloyd! I was so worried about you!" cried Kai.

Fighting the tears, the fire ninja ran up to the green ninja and pulled him into a hug. Kai smiled sadly and closed his eyes as he felt Lloyd return the hug.

But seconds later, there was a stunning pain in his back. Kai opened his eyes and formed a stunned expression as he felt the pain. He loosened his grip on Lloyd and began to slouch down, looking up at his boyfriend.

But Lloyd wasn't the one he hugged. It was Harumi.

Even as a revived corpse, she gave her evil smile at the fire ninja. Kai fell down on the floor, looking up at the person who just stabbed him, and he could see in her hands was a knife covered with his blood.

"You'll never be good enough for him, and you can't save him..." Harumi whispered.

She raised her knife, pointing it at Kai.

"N-no! Please!" Kai tried to stutter.

Harumi ignored him, and with as much strength as she could, she stabbed him.


Right then and there, Kai woke up from his nightmare. He jumped up, gasping as he did, followed by rapid, heavy breaths.

The fire ninja looked down at his chest, seeing that he had no stab wounds. Not feeling reassured, he quickly jumped up from his bed, and checked for blood stains. To his relief, there were none.

Kai looked around, seeing that the rest of the ninja were still fast asleep in their room at the inn. He let out a sigh of relief. As much as he was bothered by his nightmare, he didn't want to let his friends see him like this.

Unable to go back to sleep, he lied back down in bed and stared up at the ceiling. He turned his head and took a quick glimpse at the window, seeing that it was almost morning.

Kai let out another sigh of relief. Hopefully they could get going back to Beacontown soon, because he just wanted to get back to the Dream Universe for when Fawful finally comes.

As the fire ninja laid back down, refusing to go back to sleep with no avail, he was unaware that someone else was waking up. Nya heard Kai shout, and as her brother laid back down, she woke up completely. Careful to not wake up Jay, she moved a bit and sat up, seeing the glum look on her brother's face as he stared up at the ceiling.

"Kai?" she whispered.

Kai looked over at his sister. He just sighed and didn't say anything. Now that his sister was awake, he knew that denying how he was feeling at the moment was worthless.

"You okay?" Nya whispered to him. She got up and quietly walked over to him.

"No..." he whispered back.

"You're worried about Lloyd, aren't you?" Nya whispered to him.

Kai didn't answer. Instead, he nodded his head.

Nya could see that her brother's eyes were starting to look glassy. She opened up her arms, indicating that she was offering Kai a hug. Kai stood up, and he accepted the hug as he let his sister embrace him.

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