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Night. A time of darkness, and when the world is asleep. And that was just how it should be now in Ninjago City. It was the middle of the night, and despite how the city was normally filled with people, not a soul was out in sight. All could rest, even the ninja, who always work hard on protecting all of Ninjago from any threat.

The streets were empty of cars, and no one was roaming the streets. All was peaceful in Ninjago City. Another night where all could rest knowing that the world was safe and sound.


Somewhere in the city, someone was wide awake. At the Ninjago City cemetery, someone was making their way inside the peaceful terrain. The area was fenced off, and the entrance gates were locked, but this person didn't need to fear. Gazing up at the chained entrance, he chuckled. Bars were not a worry for him, for he was not a mortal being anymore.

So in his cursed ghost state, Clouse merely walked through the gate, entering the cemetery.

Slipping past the closed entry way, Clouse began to walk around, and as he did, he would carefully read the names on all of the graves. Every single one of them were for people that he didn't know about. He expected to see the grave of his old leader, Master Chen, but to his disappointment, he hadn't found it.

It wasn't what he was here for, but none of the less, Clouse would've wanted to find his old leader's grave, for he still had something he wished to promise to Chen. A promise for revenge, revenge on those pesky ninja.

Something that he could achieve at long last. All he had to do was work on the favor for his newfound ally.

Clouse continued to walk around the cemetery. It felt a bit eerie, with no one else in sight, but the ghost didn't mind it. He had been hiding for a long, long time, so he was used to the quiet, and he was used to being alone. Ever since he tried to go for that teapot to conjure up a diji to grant his wishes for revenge, he got spotted by the residents of Stiix, so he had no choice but to flee. He later returned, but was unsuccessful in finding what he searched for. So he had to go off into hiding, until he could get the perfect opportunity.

And that opportunity was just in his grasp.

Clouse spotted a different looking grave. The statue was made of jade. It caught his attention, so he made his way and approached the grave. Once he was close enough, he could finally read the name that was engraved on it.

He smiled widely. It was the one he was searching for.

He pulled something out of his pocket. A gun of some sort, so he aimed it at the sky and pulled the trigger. A flare went off, but there was something different about this flare. For starters, it didn't make any noise as it shot up at the sky, and when it exploded, the light that shined wasn't the usual warning red. It was an unsettling light green light, and it stayed suspended up in the air.

A few minutes later, the flare suddenly faded. Clouse felt a cold wind blow right by him, but he wasn't afraid. He was expecting it. The wind only lasted for a mere few seconds, and when it was gone, he heard the sound of footsteps behind him.

"You found it?" asked a voice.

Clouse turned around, facing his newfound ally. The one he had made a deal with.

"Right here. The one you're looking for is buried here," he said, pointing to the jade gravestone.

The figure approached the grave. They were wearing a dark hood, concealing their identity. Clouse understood, for in case they do get spotted, his ally cannot have their identity revealed. One mere glimpse from any civilian or bystander, and the whole plan can be ruined. They would immediately call the ninja.

"Perfect. I'll take it from here," said the figure.

"Anything you require my help with?" asked Clouse.

"For now, you have done enough. You best to go back to the hideout. The moron with the greasy hair will be coming soon," said the figure.

"I'm surprised that he wants to... cooperate with us," said Clouse.

"He desires power, and as long as he plays his part in the plan, his wish will be granted," said the figure.

They gave an unsettling chuckle. Clouse grinned. He recognized that kind of smile, for his old master would do the same when they were planning to play a puppet for a fool. The ghost didn't have to worry for the same fate happening to him, for he ensured his loyalty to his new ally. His new master.

"I will leave you to your work. I shall see you back at the hideout, with the package," said Clouse.

Clouse walked away. He knew that his new master wouldn't want him watching as he got to work. Besides, the ghost knew that his orders were to return to the hideout, but he would still roam the cemetery. He wanted to make sure that no one would spot his new master.

They were so close now. So close to revenge. So close to getting everything that they ever wanted within the palm of their hand.

The figure, now alone, approached the jade grave. They chuckled as they read the name on the grave, and they pulled out a shovel. Something was odd about their spade, for it sparkled some light green, twinkling lights. It must've been shiny, for it was not rusty and looked brand new, but there was something else about their spade.

It was perfect for the job: getting what they needed, and leaving it all as if it were untouched when they are done. The perfect enchantment for this.

"Time to bring the worst nightmares of the ninja and the heroes to life..." they whispered.

And with that said, they began to get to work on digging up the grave.

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