Chapter 17

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As soon as Silver warned the group that Fawful and his forces had finally arrived, there was no time to waste. Everyone got into position and was ready for the fight.

Sonic dashed ahead, with Shadow alongside him. Both of them were armed with Seed Shooters, and they intended to try to free Kate from possession. Silver and Blaze were right behind, leading Rouge and Aiden to the fight as well. They figured it was best to try to sneak up, just in case Sonic and Shadow fail to get the jump on Fawful.

The blue blur and the ultimate lifeform slowed down when they got closer to Fawful and the magician's army. When they crept closer to the enemies, the two hedgehogs could hear Fawful speak to his army.

"This is my world! Assist me in bringing destruction to the Mushroom Kingdom, which is just ahead, and I shall finish my end of the bargains I have made with you all!" he announced.

The Sons of Garmadon cheered excitedly, with Ultra Violet yelling the loudest. The only one of the biker gang who didn't cheer was Harumi. She was smiling evilly just as usual, but Sonic and Shadow saw how much she had mutated already. Even if this wasn't her final form, they were scared to see how monstrous she was looking already.

Sonic formed a nervous look as he stared at the enemies. He spotted Lloyd, who much to his shock, was dressed up like he was a member of the biker gang and was standing right by Harumi. But the cold, grey color in the green ninja's eyes were enough to remind Sonic that Lloyd was being controlled against his will.

The blue hedgehog shook a little, but upon spotting Fawful, who was still possessing Kate, Sonic's expression changed. He frowned, and even clenched his fists a little.

Shadow, on the other hand, was preparing to load his Seed Shooter.

"Alright, how should we approach this?" he whispered to Sonic.

Sonic ignored him, and instead, the blue hedgehog went dashing out.

"Sonic no!" Shadow hissed at him. But as Sonic ran over to the bad guys, the black hedgehog angrily muttered, "That idiot!"

Sonic ran over to where the bad guys where. None of them spotted him. Frowning angrily, eying Fawful, he shouted, "KATE!"

All of the villains now turned to face him. Fawful was the last to do so, for the magician slowly turned around, and upon seeing the blue hedgehog, he grinned deviously.

"So this is your big plan to save your friend. Calling out to her. How pathetic..." he said.

The Sons of Garmadon, Clouse, and Dareth all laughed evilly. Sonic ignored them.

"She fought you before, she can do it again! I won't stop calling out to my sister until she's free from your possession!" Sonic snapped at Fawful.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Y-you're pathetic, hedgehog!" Dareth said, stuttering a little. "She was n-no match for the wrath of the b-brown ninja!"

"Oh be quiet! You're not a part of this conversation you lazy bastard!" Sonic shouted at him.

Dareth let out an angry yell, but the kind of yell he made didn't sound like anything normal. Sonic tried not to show that he was nervous.

'Man, he's lost his mind hasn't he!?' the blue hedgehog thought.

Fawful laughed again. He stepped forward.

"Well go on then. Show me how hard you'll try to call out to your precious sister," he taunted Sonic.

Sonic dashed forward. Not wanting to hurt Kate, he began to form a blue tornado around Fawful, to trap the magician instead.

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