Chapter 2

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After making their way through the warp pipe tunnel, Kate and Morro made it to the Mushroom Kingdom. Once they stepped into the kingdom, some Toads greeted them here and there. They were polite and greeted them in return, but remained focus on why they came. They made their way to Merlon's house, hoping to speak to the magician.

"I'm a little nervous to speak to Merlon. I haven't spoken to him since the mess with Fawful happened..." said Kate.

"Is he mad at you for how Fawful stole the books that you were allowed to borrow?" asked Morro.

"No. Tails got the books back when you guys escaped the mines, but I still went to Merlon to apologize to him after I recovered. He said he forgave me, but I could tell that he was upset. He wouldn't state why, but it's no secret to why..." said Kate.

She let out a sigh and said, "I just wanted to practice brews so that I can expand my skills without overusing my powers, especially my healing powers. Fawful had to make it worse by stealing those books... It still baffles me that he got them even with the enchantments around the treehouse."

"I don't know how he got in to steal the books either. For a guy who likes to boast about his plans to his prisoners, he never told me how he got the books while I was missing and in his prison in the mines," said Morro.

The two finally reached Merlon's house. Morro was about to knock on the door, but Kate stopped him. She shook her head, knowing that if they try to knock on the door, Merlon would shoo them away unless they were persistent. And unless he would listen to their voices and hear their names, it would result in them getting the door thrown to their face.

Kate opened the door, surprising Morro. She walked right in, and the master of wind nervously followed his friend. They stepped inside and closed the door behind them.

The room was a bit dim, but Merlon wasn't sitting at his table to gaze into his crystal ball, which was in the middle of the room.

"Merlon?" Kate called out.

"Merlon is out! And how dare you enter his house without knocking first!" they heard a voice.

A figure came from out of the back room, with a cross expression. It was Merlon, but upon seeing Kate and Morro, he softened his expression.

"Oh, Mrs. Staples! My apologies. I wasn't expecting you to drop by," said Merlon.

The wizard came over to them. He was carrying a couple of books, and the sight of the books made Kate shake a bit, worried that he would bring up her little slip up from last time. Merlon set the books down on a table near him and turned his attention to his guests.

"What can I do for you two youngsters? What brings the two of you by?" he asked them.

"We hope we aren't bothering you sir, but we request some time to talk to you," said Morro.

"Hmm... sounds serious. We best to sit down as you inform me what it is," said Merlon.

He walked his guests over to the table in the center of the room. Kate and Morro sat down at one end while Merlon sat across from them. The crystal ball in the center of the table started to glow a tiny bit, which made the group see a light cloud inside.

"My crystal ball doesn't glow this, unless there is a warning to be told. What worries have bothered the two of you?" said Merlon.

"We're worried... about Fawful..." said Morro.

"Ah... I had a feeling that you may bring this up sooner or later. The kingdom has been content since the word that Fawful was defeated in Ninjago. Of course, we haven't mentioned that he faced defeat in your world, young Morro. Why do you worry about him, when he seems to have been defeated?" said Merlon.

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