Chapter 21

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The ninja and their allies were horrified to see the sight upon them.

Dealing with an undead Harumi who was summoned from beyond the grave was a problem enough. To make matters worse, she had put a spell on Lloyd to force him to do her every command, as a matter of revenge on all of the ninja.

But the ninja were able to prevail, like all the other times. They freed Lloyd from the spell, so now all that was left was to finish off Harumi, and send her back to where she should be: in the Departed Realm.

Well, that would be easier said than done, if she hadn't mutated into a monstrous creature.

Merlon was right. Death should not be altered. And because Fawful had revived Harumi with a highly dangerous spell, the Quiet One was now a huge monster.

And talking to her wasn't going to help. Already, she knew that Garmadon wasn't the same evil being she expected him to be. But that wasn't the issue. The issue now was that anything left of her humanity was gone now, due to her mutation.

And the fact that Harumi just killed Killow right in front of the ninja and their allies was enough to convince them that words won't work anymore.

Harumi turned to face the ninja. The monster growled, ready to continue her murderous spree with them as her next targets.

"I don't like this! I DON'T LIKE THIS! AHHHHH!" Jay cried in panic.

The lighting ninja shot a blast of electricity with his powers, trying to hit Harumi. While it did shock Harumi, it didn't make her pass out. She let out a mighty, fearsome roar.

"That just pissed her off!" cried Cole.

Harumi charged at the group, causing them all to scatter and jump out of the way to avoid getting trampled on.


No need to be told twice. Using their elemental powers, the ninja began to fire attacks at Harumi, trying to get her head. But it didn't seem like their powers were doing any damage, and it just made Harumi even angrier.

Bonnie and PIXAL had bows with them, so they tried to fire some arrows, aiming for Harumi's head. But the monster was moving too fast, taking the hits from the elemental masters and throwing a tantrum as the attacks made her mad.

Harumi then stomped around with her big legs, and two pairs of her extra arms. She broke into a run, heading towards the adults, who were huddled in a group by the stairs that led upstairs.

"LOOK OUT!" cried Wu.

He, Garmadon, and Misako all jumped out of the way, just in time before Harumi could trample over any of them. Harumi ran up the stairs, and to the group's horror, they saw her climb up the wall and onto the ceiling like a spider. She stared down at the group, gazing at them with her eight eyes.

"We gotta get her down! Our elemental powers aren't affecting her!" said Nya.

"I got it!" said Cole.

The earth ninja's hands glowed, along with his scar. Using his elemental powers, Cole made the place shake a bit, but Harumi stayed up on the ceiling.

But Cole wasn't giving up. He had summoned some rocks from outside in the front entrance to the castle, and threw them over to where Harumi was. This time, Harumi stumbled, falling down.

The group quickly jumped back, avoiding any debris and Harumi from falling from the ceiling.

Kai let out an angry yell as he charged forward, holding the sword of flames in his hands, which was empowered by his elemental powers.

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