Chapter 9

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Never did anyone expect to see this happen. Garmadon and Misako were shocked. Aiden, Maya, and the Jesse twins were confused but horrified. Morro, Skylor, PIXAL, and Bonnie were surprised and terrified. But the one who was the most dismayed by this reveal was Sonic.

"KATE?!" he cried.

But it was. Standing alongside the Sons of Garmadon and Clouse was Kate.

No wait. Something was wrong with the way she appeared.

She was wearing a red cloak that enclosed most of her body. Her glasses were different, for they didn't show her eyes because they were shaded bright blue with white swirls in the frames. And she was holding a staff instead of her usual sword.

"N-No! It can't be!" Aiden stuttered.

Kate laughed, but something was off about how she laughed. It wasn't the kind of laugh she would normally spoke. Then she spoke, but in a different voice and not her own.

"Oh, but it is. I found myself some new friends..." she said.

She gave a smile, but something about it was very unsettling, and familiar.

Sonic gasped again, but this time, he frowned when he saw Kate give that smile.

"FAWFUL!" he shouted in rage.

"Fawful?!" Garmadon, Misako, Morro, Skylor, and PIXAL all cried at once.

"Are you kidding me?! Fawful's still alive!? But you said that he died last time you came here!" said M. Jesse.

"Yes, I died, but luckily... I had an extra life..." Fawful said, chuckling evily.

"A green mushroom! He must've healed in the middle of the battle and respawned out of our sight!" Sonic whispered.

Oddly, Fawful heard Sonic mutter to himself. He laughed again and said, "Aw, you really do pick up quickly."

"After all this time, you're starting to attack now?!" Garmadon asked him angrily. "If you think you can take my blood again for more Oni, you're wrong! I'm in control, no matter my form!"

"Oh don't worry, Garmadon, I'm not the one who wanted you. Why, my new friends here wanted you. But... it's quite a shame that you aren't willing to join us, since I promised them that they'd get their emperor back..." said Fawful.

"Friends!? You call them your friends! I've fought you for years now! I know you're just using them for whatever you want to do!" Sonic snapped at him. "Just like how you're using my sister at this very moment! Why did you possess Kate? Huh?! Why did you possess her?!"

"Oh, but they are my friends. Now that your sister is willing to cooperate with me, I can go back to our world and get what I want from there. But surely, I need to help my friends get their emperor back, so that Ninjago can be all theirs once again," said Fawful.

Ultra Violet laughed and pulled out two swords. "Yeah! We'll take care of the ninja for good this time, and this world will be all ours!" she taunted them.

"So, where are your precious heroes? They decided to leave it to you lot?" Clouse taunted them.

"You leave our friends out of this mess! We can take you on, even if you have Kate!" said Sonic.

"Really? Do you want to risk hurting your own so-called sister in the middle of the fight?" Fawful taunted him.

Sonic frowned. He let out a heavy sigh and said, "No... I don't want to... but Kate would understand if I had to!"

This time, Fawful frowned. "What a shame... well, it seems that bringing you down with words won't work. So if you won't give us the book to go to the Dream Universe..." he said.

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