Chapter 7

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The trip to Ray and Maya's wouldn't take long with the Destiny's Bounty. But even if it wasn't long to others, it felt like forever to Nya, and it was because she was worried. She was worried about her brother, and she was worried about Lloyd.

Kai sounded distressed when Nya called him, and he informed his sister that his boyfriend had run off after a fight between Kai and Ray. And that was hours ago. Lloyd still hadn't been found, and there was a possible hint that Lloyd must've run into trouble while he was alone and by himself.

Nya was alone as she took the controls and steered the Bounty. She would've set it to autopilot, but she needed to keep herself occupied. She needed the distraction to try to stay calm, mainly for Kai's sake when she regroups with him. As she stayed alone in the control room, Cole, Jay, and Zane were on the deck, discussing what to do.

"I can't believe that Lloyd ran off. You think he's okay?" said Cole.

"I hope so. I mean, he had feelings for Kai for a while, ever since Harumi was no longer a problem to him. Now he and Kai are finally a thing, but I can't imagine how hard it was for him to watch his boyfriend and his boyfriend's dad argue about their relationship," said Jay.

"Clearly it must be difficult. It's possible that Mr. Smith isn't comfortable that Kai is dating someone of the same gender, based on how all of us aren't in conflicts with any of our girlfriends," said Zane.

"I want to reassure everyone that it's Mr. Smith's fault, but then again, I also don't want to. He's going to be my father-in-law after all!" said Jay.

"Well, when we get there, we need to be there for Kai. We all know how he gets when others suffer, especially one of us. He's gonna need our support," said Cole.

"I agree. But I will also add, maybe Nya needs some support as well," said Zane.

As he spoke, the nindroid glanced over at the control room. Nya glanced over, seeing the guys were staring at her, but she didn't give them any response. She remained focused on steering the ship.

"Just give her some space for the time being guys. She wants to steer the ship and not leave it in autopilot. When we get there, I'll be by her side the entire time, alright?" said Jay.

"You sure, Jay?" asked Cole.

"I know Nya. She needs the distraction right now, but when she can't distract herself anymore, I'll be there for her," said Jay.

Cole and Zane nodded their heads. They knew how tough Nya was, and they trusted Jay's word when he said that his fiancé needed some space for a little bit.

For the rest of the trip to Nya's old hometown, there wasn't anything else to discuss. Once they arrived, Nya parked the Bounty outside of the old blacksmith shop. The four exited the Bounty and headed to Ray and Maya's house. There was a sign on the door, indicating that the shop was currently closed.

"The shop's closed while it should still be in operating hours. Mom and dad must've gone to search for Lloyd. But they might not be with Kai, based on how he sounded when I talked to him over the phone," said Nya.

"Where should we start looking? And you think it might be wise to split up? The more search parties there are, then the better our chances are for finding Lloyd," said Zane.

Before Nya could answer, she heard her phone go off. She pulled it out and saw that the caller ID signified that it was Kai who was calling her. She quickly hit the button to answer the call and put the phone to her ear.

"Nya, are you here yet?" said Kai.

"Yes Kai. I'm here with Cole, Jay, and Zane. We're gonna help you look for Lloyd. Where are you though?" said Nya.

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