Chapter Fourteen: Sick

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The white man in his 30s had been caught, and the last victim was brought to safety after a suicide by cop. Pretty average case. Amy was reading a poetry book on the jet, Emily in front of her. They'd been chatting a little while before.

"The time has come for me to... skedaddle" Emily said nodding to the little sofa on the opposite side of the jet.

"Roger, Em" Amy replied smiling. She liked Emily's company. She was cunning, funny and never crossed any boundaries. Emily never pressured Amy and made her feel safe and understood. She was also pretty cold, but Amy knew when she was feeling down. They'd become friends because they both started working at the BAU around the same time: they'd been newbies together.

The poems were written by Sylvia Plath, Amy liked them, she really did, but as she often did after a case she started feeling sleepy. So she subconsciously gave in and let her head fall on the table in front of her.


She coughed.


She woke up from her nap because she felt her stomach hurt. And before you ask, no, Spencer wasn't around. This sort of pain wasn't fun, it was hurting her. But come on, they were almost arrived. She didn't want to bother anyone. So she curled up inside her blanket and tried to fall asleep again, yet, it was all useless. She could feel herself shivering but at the same time sweating. Her throat was aching and she felt her stomach hurt so much.

But nope. Twenty more minutes, and then you're home.

Amy started feeling even weirder than before, and when she tried to understand the source of the strange feeling, she noticed Spencer staring at her from another seat in the jet.

Damn it.

She immediately turned the other way, but the damage was done. She didn't even need to look in front of her to know Spencer was coming to sit there.

"Hi" Spencer's soft voice said. The last thing she needed was him seeing her sick.

"Heeey" Amy replied, her voice just hoarse enough to know something was wrong,

"So you're sick"

"Now where'd you get that idea?" Amy didn't mean for it to sound sarcastic, but it did come off that way.

Spencer didn't even bother answering. He just looked at her with a smirk raising his eyebrows.

"I didn't know you had a PhD in medicine, also"

"Not yet. But I don't need a PhD to see you're sick. Honestly I don't even see the reason to hide it, it's so obvious"

"It is not! I am outraged and i feel betr-"

Spencer completely caught her by surprise and gently put his hand on her forehead. Amy's heart was beating out of her chest and she hoped with all of her might that he couldn't somehow tell. If she was feeling bad weird before, this was good weird now. And the pain in her stomach was joined by the usual butterflies. He measured her temperature for just a brief second, but it felt like everything was in slow motion.

Then Spencer pulled his hand back quickly like he'd put it on a flame and blew on it.

Amy couldn't help but laugh. Even when she was feeling sick Spencer could make her laugh.

"Really?" she asked jokingly.

"Mmh, my estimate would be around 212 degrees fahrenheit"

Amy laughed again.

"Boiling water?"

Spencer joined in and the two agents were laughing light-heartedly.

"Really though, you should take some medicine"

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