Chapter Two: We'll meet again

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Nothing more came to mind, but she felt like she had been talking for three hours straight.

"That's about it", she finally looked up at the two agents- sorry, at the agent and the doctor.

Only then she noticed the slightly surprised look on their faces. Had she been doing it again? Oh my God, she did it again, she ranted didn't she? This was embarrassing. Agent Hotchner was trying to hide his expressions, Dr. Reid on the other hand had widened eyes and he wasn't even trying to conceal his thoughts.

"That's helpful, Ms. Thomas, you did a great job"

"I did? I didn't- I wasn't exactly sure..." this made her more nervous than being kidnapped. Two FBI profilers studying her micro-expressions and behavior? Nuh-huh, not for her.

The two started walking out of the room.
"Wait!" her voice came out of her mouth without her controlling it.

"I would like to help you, find him, you know".

If their faces were slightly surprised before, now they were just straight up confused.
"I feel like I know him, and I know how he thinks, and- damn it, I didn't mean it like 'yOu'Re NoT dOiNg YoUr JoB cOrReCtLy' or anything, I just- I wanna help".

Agent Hotchner's face was dubious.

"Ms. Thomas, you're just a civilian, a victim actually, I can't let you go out in the field".

"I'm a part-time PI! And I've read almost every book on criminology that exists today, I only want to be useful".

Amy could see that Hotchner wasn't pleased at the idea, well, not that he looked pleased at particularly anything, ever, but still.

"It would mean the world to me" why was she begging to go after her kidnapper? She definitely couldn't keep up with her thoughts.

"Ok, I could let you stay in a car and try to understand where he could've gone, based on signs, street names and buildings. You wouldn't be driving of course, but you'd be doing something"

Amy felt excited as Hotchner accepted her request, even though she knew he was doing it just because he didn't want to disappoint her, not that he actually believed she could help. But it was fine. Hell, it was more than fine. She was going to be a profiler!

"Reid, why don't you drive the girl around?"
The agent/doctor, who was looking at her until a second before but frenetically looked away, nodded awkwardly. He even smiled shyly, looking down at his feet and then glancing at Hotchner. This was going to be a fun ride.


Spencer cleared his throat, releasing the awkward tension that he was holding in and decided to finally ask Ms. Thomas what he'd been waiting to ask her since her first call to Hotch. He didn't turn to face her but spoke simply, softly: she had been kidnapped until a couple of hours before, he didn't want to freak her out.

"I was meaning to ask you something".

Ms. Thomas was startled and Spencer immediately regretted his choices.

"Oh, sure", she replied friendly, even though the repetitive movement of her hands on her legs revealed that she was still nervous.

"I was wondering, do you have an eidetic memory?".

Ms. Thomas let out a relieved laugh, as if she were expecting a more disturbing question, her hands relaxed.

"Because of the phone number and all the details, I thought you may-" added Dr. Reid worried that he'd said something wrong.

"Oh, no, don't worry, I'm just flattered that you may think that, but it's not eidetic. I trained hard, and I have a good memory, but it's not eidetic. Once I hear or see something I'm able to memorize it quickly, but after a while I do forget it" her tone was open, honest, and peaceful. She wasn't as tense as before.

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