Chapter Nine: Revelations pt. 2

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Since her talk with Hotch, Amy had been able to feel better and help the team more. A lot of things had changed in the case and Spencer was forced by Hankel to choose someone to save. Amy couldn't even begin to imagine how he was feeling. The guilt must have been deadly. And that was all the more reason to save him. She volunteered to go to the new crime scene. Being stuck in that house for one more minute would've killed her. She also wanted to try something.

The crime scene was, well, a crime scene, what you'd expect it to be. She'd seen plenty more before. A life interrupted before its due date. Amy could have spent hours thinking about it. She could've thought about her favorite authors: dying is a wild night and a new road, Emily Dickinson; nothing can happen more beautiful than death, Walt Whitman; the life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living, Marcus Tullius Cicero; but nothing, nothing could ever emulate the feeling of seeing a dead body. She analyzed the scene how she would normally do. Accepting Hotch's advice meant she was going to acknowledge that she was emotionally involved, and that she would use that involvement to motivate her and to concentrate.

But this time she wanted to do something more. She had thought out the crime thoroughly and she hoped, she wanted this thing to work. The other times the crime was being live-streamed, and Hankel made Spencer choose who to save from some screens... so maybe. Just maybe. If there was even a slight chance, a glimmer of hope...

Amy got in front of the computer at the crime scene and started speaking.

"Hey Spence, I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can... I need you to know that everything is going to be okay and that it's not your fault. You can get yourself out of this"

Gideon called her from the other room.

"I have to go, Spence, please hang on for me, for us" she said giving him a sad smile, and then proceeding to reach Gideon.


"I'm telling you, that quote he said was wrong" Amy was commenting on the terrible decision Spencer had been asked to make. He chose Hotch to be the first victim from the team, assigning him the sin of narcissism. But it wasn't true. She knew it wasn't, Hotch was the same person who comforted her right after a panic attack, the last thing that came to her mind when thinking of Hotch was a narcissist. And most importantly, she knew that quote was wrong.

"Amy, isn't it possible that you're remembering it wrong? I mean, I've never heard Reid say an inaccurate fact since I've known him"

"No Em, I know, I know it's wrong. I have been rereading parts of the bible the last couple of days, and what Spence said is wrong"

"Can we see it?" asked Hotch, Amy felt like he genuinely had faith in her.

Amy ran to the table and grabbed the version of the bible they had there. She started scrambling through the pages frantically, almost ripping out a few.

"Genesis chapter 23 verse 4" Amy mumbled to herself.

"I am a stranger and a sojourner with you, give me property forbear a place among you, that I may bury my dead out of my sight"

The team was looking at her interrogatively.

"He wouldn't get it wrong unless it was on purpose, so... I don't... It could be... I am a sojourner... bury my dead... CRAP! Bury my dead! It's a cemetery, he's in a cemetery! Penny look it up! Cemeteries or something to do with tombs or death, I don't know!"

"I don't see a cemetery" Penny immediately answered.

Everybody was concentrated. Everybody was doing everything they could. Throwing theories around and having ideas.

They looked back at the footage from the previous times and it was actually Spencer himself that had given them an hint about his location.

Turns out there was a small cemetery on a plantation, Hankel had wrote about it in his journals too. He had to be there.

Now all they had to do was save him.


It was dark, and cold. Spencer must have been there. He didn't have much time. And Amy knew that. But she also knew that her crippling fear was what she needed to find him.

The woods were scary, the dark had always been one of her fears. Not the dark itself, but what it hides. In the dark you can't see what's right there in front of you. And that had always made Amy uncomfortable.

Right then especially. Because she was aware that that very dark could be hiding Spencer.

Her flashlight a weapon, against the compromised black night.

As she was walking on the crunchy leaves, tight grip on her gun, she kept her ears open. She had been getting flashes of Spencer, her Spencer, her friend, the last couple of days. But in that moment they were especially intense. Amy wasn't going to screw this up, she was thinking, as Spencer's laugh and sweaters and voice and baggy eyes clouded her mind.

With every detail that came to her mind she took a step forward.

A gunshot!

Amy started sprinting towards the sound. She was scared she'd bump into a tree but she trusted her gut and her blind sense of direction. Her feet hit the ground at an impressive speed, destroying the dead leaves.

She could hear her heavy breathing but she perfectly knew how to control it. She had her glasses on, they could've fallen but at least that way she would've seen him from miles away. The wind blowing on her face encouraging her to increase her speed. And the moon gently touching some branches trusting her to succeed.


It was Spencer.

It really was Spencer.

On the ground, bent over Hankel's body. He looked hurt, he was shaking but he was alive.

He was alive.

Amy sprinted even faster, and Spencer must have seen her flashlight because he started to clumsily get up.

They were a few feet away at this point. And Amy even in the unfamiliar dark could recognize the lines and the features of Spencer's face.

She threw her arms around his neck, and hugged him as tight as she could, feeling the gentle curls of his hair on her cheek.

He felt so real between her arms, so alive.

She couldn't realize it in the moment but she was almost crushing Spencer's fragile back.

But Spencer didn't mind and slowly started hugging her back. He felt her back with his hands, still shaking from the shot. She was hugging him so tight that her body felt tiny compared to his, and to hug her fully Spencer almost had to make his arms intertwine. He'd forgotten how short she was. She must have been on her toes to reach him. He let himself sink in her sweater, cold from the night. He enjoyed being able to see her again, and to remember the way she smelled.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry" Amy whispered between his arms.

"You know, I got your message" Spencer responded, not even taking her words into account.

Amy obviously couldn't see his face, but she recognized from his voice that he was smiling.

"Yeah, it was kind of rude of you not to answer" Amy joked.

Spencer laughed for the first time in a while. He missed feeling okay.

The two let go of each other in harmony. At the same time the rest of the team arrived and Spencer hugged everyone else. In that moment Amy understood even better how much each one of them meant to him. They were a family. And luckily enough, she was part of it too.

And she wasn't going to lose Spencer again.

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