Chapter Twenty-four: Late

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several months later

[sorry for the time skip i usually hate these but IT'S BOUT TO GO DOWN]

Don't think about it.

Don't think about i-

NO, stop thinking about it.

It doesn't do you any good, it doesn't-

Oh, whatever.

Amy was sitting on the jet thinking. God, she hated being stuck in herself, stuck with her thoughts. Especially if those thoughts inevitably led to Spencer. They hadn't stopped talking, per se. But it hadn't been the same for a while. Spencer never did apologize for yelling at her, but neither did Amy. Not that she felt like she should apologize. What he said really hurt her. So they chose to mutually ignore it, probably hoping it would just fade away. When it didn't, they let it be. Maybe that was just how things were meant to go.

So now Spencer and Amy didn't talk like they used to. Spencer didn't look like he cared, Amy on the other hand felt like she was being tortured. The worst was not being able to talk to anyone about it because... because she would've gone to Spencer. And she couldn't.

Yet she knew it couldn't possibly be just about the fight after her interrogation. There had to be something else but she didn't wanna think about it. Probably it was just the fact that Spencer had secretly hated her this entire time. All those years, it had simply been a joke.

Whenever she looked at him she felt like he was keeping something from her and it destroyed her every single time.

She struggled to fall asleep on the jet. Her mind was tormented by thoughts of self hatred and guilt, she felt like everything was her fault, but eventually she managed to drift off to sleep.


Penny's "office" felt safe, nothing could hurt her while she was in there, not even her own thoughts. Penny wasn't a profiler, but she was a good friend and she could tell when something was wrong with Amy.

She was sitting on a chair next to the infallible hacker, peeking over at the screen where Penny was showing her a cute video of a panda. 

But without warning Penny paused the video.

"Are you alright? What's going on?" Penny asked, gently putting a hand on her shoulder.

But Amy was Amy at the end of the day.

"I'm fine" she answered, flashing her a smile.

"You're not" Penny said, giving back her own encouraging, bitterweet smile.

Amy looked down at the floor. She thought about whether opening up or not. So she looked at her friend: her fluffy blonde hair and pink glasses and most importantly, her availability. Her doubts faded away.

"It's Spencer" she almost whispered.

"Spencer? What abou- NO WAY, YOU LIKE HIM!"

"No, no no n-"


"Penny" Amy interrupted her.

As much as her reaction made her laugh she really wanted to be comforted.

"Sorry" she responded with an awkward smile.

"How I feel towards Spencer doesn't matter, I just want us to be like we used to"

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