Chapter Twelve: Cinema

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Amy shifted in her seat. Not only the cinema was cold and the seat was uncomfortable, but the movie SUCKED.

Amy and Spencer had planned to go to the movies for weeks now, but the day they'd already bought tickets for, they happened to be on a case. Amy wasn't willing to postpone it again, so she forced Spencer to go with her on their day off to catch whatever movie the cinema was playing.

She did not expect it to be a D-list movie she'd never heard of before. The director was a white man in his thirties, almost like- great. But what were they going to do? Go back home?

There was basically no information about it online, just the director and the title. Unfortunately, the trailers that came before the movie were the best part of the movie.

It was so... so... racist and tacky and sexist and... and freaking rape jokes, AS IF IT WEREN'T ENOUGH. If you were to think about anything offensive, chances are it would probably be in this movie in one place or another.

Amy was cringing at every single scene on the screen.

She always wanted to see the beauty in everything, but this time it was simply impossibile.

She handled it for a bit, only letting out annoyed grumbles every once in a while. She tried to distract herself by angrily eating popcorn, but her suppressed rage was so much that she'd already finished them. She couldn't do it anymore and she started whispering insults and comments so that Spencer could share her frustration.

"You want to explain to m- no, really, please explain to me, how the hell did the jew joke even fit in there? I swear he must've struggled so hard to put it in"

"It doesn't even make sense, it's- every scene is a plot hole, every one"

"And why is the audience laughing? WHY? This is the third joke now about women cooking and cleaning for men"

"Oh, we're sexualizing the asian girls again, right, how could I not think of that"

"Again with the freaking cHiNeSe PeOpLe EaT dOgS joke, if his name turns out to be Yang or something I'mma ri- OF COURSE, CHONG! Obviously!"

Spencer was really struggling to keep his cool: as much as he hated the movie too, he managed to save the comments for later, but Amy...

He was trying so hard to refrain from laughing, but Amy's comments were just getting louder by the minute. And he knew she was perfectly right, it's just, seeing her get all worked up like that amused him.

"Chong..." she spit in an irritated tone, at this point she wasn't whispering anymore.

"Ames..." Spencer whispered, putting a hand on his nose to stop his laughing "I don't- I don't really think they care unfortunately"

"They should, they freaking should!" Amy replied, not even trying to keep quiet.


That was when Spencer really started noticing the heads turning towards them. It did make him slightly uncomfortable, but he was too distracted by the hilarious scene. He could not hold it in any longer and he let out the laughter he'd been keeping in.

"Let's see, let's see, what do they have in their bag? What do-" she was talking as if she were at home.

"OH SUSHI! REAAAAALLY NICE!" she was shouting again, annoyed by the blatantly racist scene.

"Amy, please, I'm gon- I really can't stay here, I'm crying" Spencer said while gasping for air.

"Yeah, I understand, I'm one second away from shedding a tear for this MASTERPIECE!" she replied, deeply accentuating the last word.

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