Orgy pt 2

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"Damn Namjoon hyung is enjoying a lot" Jimin mutters under his breath as Jungkook chuckles.

"Wanna start or not?" Jungkook asks as Jimin looks at him unsure. Jungkook understands his hesitates and sighs. Jimin was standing in front of the sink while Jungkook was sitting on the toilet closed.

"Hyung we are doing this to pleasure each other, I know you love Hoseok hyung and I love Taehyung but I am pretty sure they both are having their time, so please" Jungkook explains as Jimin nods. Jungkook smiles before standing up going towards him to kiss him. Jungkook pressed his lips on Jimin's soft ones.

"I am jealous Hoseok hyung gets to kiss these soft lips," Jungkook says breaking the kiss as Jimin punches him on his shoulder earning a giggle in return.

"Hyung I am already horny because of Namjoon hyung's moans, please don't keep me waiting," Jungkook says impatiently as Jimin chuckles sitting on his knees, unbuckling Jungkook's belt as he pulled the pants down.

"Oh fuck!" Jimin says under his breath when he saw Jungkook's size.

"Hyung please," Jungkook says as Jimin finally took his thick cock in his mouth sucking on it. A deep moan left his mouth as he pushed Jimin further until his tip touched Jimins throat.

"Fuck hyung" Jungkook moans throwing his head back. Jimin was proud of himself as he gave Jungkook the best blow job.

"I am cumming" Jungkook groans before shooting his load. Jimin drinks it as he stands up wiping his lips.

"Now it's my turn to pleasure you," Jungkook says before turning Jimin so now he was standing with his back in front of him. Jimin grabbed the sink as Jungkook entered him without warning. Jimin threw his head back with a high pitch moan. Jungkook was a lot bigger than Hoseok, Jungkook thrusts inside him at a fast pace.

"FUCK JUNGKOOK!" Jimin cries out as Jungkook was pleasuring him so well. Jimin again threw his head back when he felt himself coming near. Jungkook groaned as he was always gonna cum.

"I am cumming!" Jimin moans as he feeling released as Jungkook takes his cock cumming on Jimin's back.

"Fuck!" Jungkook groans as he sits down on the closed toilet. Jimin turns and faces Jungkook with a tried expression. Jungkook chuckled when he saw Jimin's facial expressions.

"Let's take a shower and go back to our boyfriends" Jungkook suggests as Jimin nods getting inside the shower.

To Be Continue.......

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