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"What is it?" Namjoon asks with a smile, other Jimin and Hoseok gulp in nervousness as Jackson opens his mouth to speak.

"Jin hyung... Jin hyung was the one who kidnapped Jimin" Jackson says with a big sigh. The smile disappears from Namjoon lips as soon as he hears that.

"What do you mean?" Namjoon asks with confusion acting like he heard wrong.

"Yes you heard it right Namjoon, Jin hyung kidnapped Jimin," Jackson says with a serious face. In disbelief, Namjoon looks at Jimin and Hoseok who just simply nod.

"Have you lose your mind, Jackson?" Namjoon says with a rough voice getting up from the sofa. Jackson and the other two stand up as well.

"You think I am lying?! Ask Jimin!" Jackson says with roughness in his voice as well. Namjoon looks at Jimin in anger and because of the fear, Jimin nods again.

"He is right Namjoon, The person who kidnapped Jimin worked with Jin hyung, he asked him to kidnap Jimin, I was just like you, not believing anything until we went to the same place finding a letter" Hoseok tries to explain while Namjoon just shakes his head in no, for more evidence Jimin shows him the letter. In frustration, Namjoon throws it aside.

"I thought you guys were my friends," Namjoon says before leaving the house. Before that, he says one last thing.

"The friendship ends here, with you Jackson and you both... I never thought you guys would do something like this" Namjoon says with tears in his eyes as he closes the door harshly leaving three of them in the living room. The three stays there silent but Jimin falls on the ground crying.

"We lost him," Jimin says crying hard, Hoseok bends down and side hugs Jimin letting his tears flow as well. Meanwhile, Jackson stands there with tears in his eyes but he refuses them to flow. He wipes them and crakes a forced smile.

That time he realized how important Namjoon is for him and for his other friends. Jackson doesn't regret telling him. Because he knows once Namjoon realizes his mistake he will cry like this like Jimin and Hoseok are right now.


"Why didn't he came to pick you up?" Jungkook says driving the car with Yoongi on his side. Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.

"He was supposed to pick me up but he didn't," Yoongi says sighing as he looks out of the window. Suddenly he remembers how much he loves Hoseok but he chooses someone else over him, He was confused because Hoseok said he loves him then why he choose Jimin?

"Where is Taehyung btw?" Yoongi asks trying to avoid the thoughts he was having. Jungkook looks at Yoongi smiling before answering.

"He went to sleep earlier today, he said he was tired," Jungkook says focusing on the path as Yoongi just nods in return. The whole ride was silent as both didn't know what to talk about.

To Be Continued....

War For You | Namjin | Kim Namjoon | Kim Seokjin ✔Where stories live. Discover now