Rejected Love

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"How about we call others?" Hoseok suggests in which others agreed.

"Nice idea." Jin smiles.

"It's been a while since we hang out together" Namjoon comments.

"I agree," Jimin says, Hoseok nods.

"You call Hoseok," Namjoon says Hoseok takes his phone out and dials a number.

[On Phone]

"Hi, Hoseok hyung" A soft voice greets him.

"Hi JK, How are you?"

"I am good how about you?"

"I am going amazing, I wanted to invite you"

"For what?"

"Me, Jimin, Namjoon, and Jin hyung are hanging out, I wanted you and Taehyung to come over as well"

"Sure why not I and Taehyung will be there just send me the location"

"Ok, Bye"


Hoseok hangs up and smiles at others.

"He will be here any moment" Hoseok informs.

"What about Yoongi?" Jin asks raising his brow,

"Well..." Hoseok looks over Jimin.

"What?" Namjoon asks looking at both.

"He doesn't want to talk to anyone" Jimin speaks up making both Namjoon and Jin confused.

"What do you mean?" Jin asks.

"Yoongi loved me..." Hoseok speaks up making both Jin and Namjoon shook.

"When he gets to know that I and Jimin are dating, his heart broked, and after that, we never saw him," Hoseok says looking at the table.

"And you both are so calm?" Jin yells, Namjoon calms Jin down.

"Let Jungkook and Taehyung come we will all go and talk to him," Namjoon says as they wait for the younger ones to arrive.

[Ten minutes later]

"Hi!" Taehyung greets with a boxy smile making everyone smile back at him.

"Hi Taehyungie" Hoseok smiles.

"How are you all?" Jungkook comes in as well greeting them with a warm smile.

"Good how about you two?" Jin asks as both of them take a sit.

[They were in a restruant]

"We are going good" Taehyung says.

Jungkook smiles squeezing Taehyung hand.

"Let's agree, It has been a while since we hang out," Taehyung says as Jungkook nods.

"Btw where is Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook says and Taehyung agrees.

"Yea, Where is Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung says as he saw a tense in everyone's face.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" Jungkook asks still no reply from others.

"We wanted to talk to you guys about it" Jin finally speaks.

[After explaining everything]

"Let's just go then what are we waiting for?" Jungkook voice coming out worried as well as Taehyung's.

"Yes let's go," Taehyung says getting up from his chair and heading towards the exit door. The same goes for others.

They all get in their cars and head towards Yoongi house.

[Hoseok point of view]

I hope you are okay, I can't see you like this Yoongi, You are my dearest friend.

"I am worried Hoseok" Jimin confesses looking at his thighs.

"Don't worry baby, He will be okay, Let's just hope for it" Hoseok takes Jimin hands kissing the back of it. Jimin smiles.

(Hoseok was driving)

[Namjoon point of wiew]

"I still can't believe they were so calm about it" Jin let out a heavy sigh.

"Its okay baby, They are worried the same as we are" Namjoon comments.

"Still" Jin puts his hand under his chin and looks out of the window,

(Namjoon was driving)

"Everything will be fine" Namjoon comforts Jin by placing his hand on Jin thigh.

"Hope so" Jin mumbles.

[Jungkook point of view]

"I should have known something was wrong" Jungkook shouts.

"It's not your fault Jungkook," Taehyung says focusing on the path.

"It is, I called him so many times but he never picked up. When I went to his home he never opened the door, I should have known something is going on with him" Jungkook says resting his back and head on the seat.

"You know, I don't like it when you blame yourself for something you didn't even do," Taehyung says

"Ok sorry," Jungkook apologize fastly as he knows if he doesn't he will face punishment,

"I don't accept that apology," Taehyung says smirking making Jungkook gulp.

"You will be punished" Taehyung smiles glancing at Jungkook.


"Open the door Yoongi" Namjoon shouts.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR YOONGI!" Jin shouts making younger ones flinch.

"No use we have to break the door" Namjoon glance over the door.

"Jungkook," Jin says hinting Jungkook right away what to do next.

"Ok hyung" Jungkook comes in the front and kicks the door until it breaks opens.

"Eww," Taehyung says closing his nose with his hands the same goes for others. The house smells so bad that Jimin was nearly about to throw up.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok asks going in making sure to be careful. The house was a mess, glass crashed everywhere. Dust and trash took over the whole house.

"Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook shouts and goes further. Jimin was scared so he hides behind Hoseok.

"Its ok mochi nothing is gonna happen" Hoseok comforts Jimin. Jimin nods and smiles at him.

"Oh my god! YOONGI HYUNG!!" Jungkook shouts and wents into Yoongi's room. shaking Yoongi who was lying down on the floor with cuts all over his body.

"Call the ambulance, NOW!" Jin orders, Jimin quickly takes out his phone.


"He is out of danger" Doctors inform as Namjoon sigh in relief while Jungkook, Jimin, and Jin were in tears, Hoseok fighting back with his tears.

"Thank you doctor" Namjoon bows and the doctor leaves.

"I am going to talk to him" Hoseok stands up.

"Are you sure?" Namjoon asks placing his hand on Hoseok shoulder.

"Yes," Hoseok says leaving for Yoongi's room.

"Why the fuck are you here?" Yoongi shouts out but not enough as he was weak.

"Thank god you are ok" Hoseok sits beside but Yoongi faces his left not wanting to see Hoseok face.

"Get lost!" Yoongi shouts, His voice coming out broken and weak.

"I am sorry Yoongi," Hoseok cries making Yoongi face him with amazement.

"You are sorry? HUH! YOU?" Yoongi shouts making Hoseok finch.

To Be Continued......

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