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"Come on stop crying," Jin says hugging Namjoon who was crying his heart out. He was deeply hurt by Jackson, Jimin, and Hoseok. He never knew they would do something like this. No matter what happens he loves Jin the most and trusts him the most.

"How can I? Who could they say something like this?!" Namjoon says crying making Jin heartache. Damn, it always hurts him seeing Namjoon like this. Jin cups Namjoon faces wiping his tears not realizing he was himself in tears.

"Don't cry, I hate it whenever I see you cry" Jin says making Namjoon sob a little. Namjoon himself didn't want to cry but his tears just can't stop.

"Mian haeyo [Sorry] Namjoon," Jin says wiping his own tears. Namjoon looks at him with tears in his eyes.

"Why are u apologizing?" Namjoon asks.

"I just want you to be happy, smiling showing your deep beautiful dimples, I thought if I apologize maybe you would feel better" Jin explains as Namjoon pulls him for a kiss a soft, full of love. Namjoon slowly pulls apart.

"I love you Jin and I just can't bear the false blames on you, I don't give a fuck to my friends, I don't fucking care whether they are with me through my whole life if they hate you...

They are my enemy


"It's been a while Jackson hyung," Jungkook says hugging Jackson who hugs him back. After he goes to Taehyung and Yoongi. Jungkook looks at Hoseok and Jimin smiling who was smiling back at him. But soon Jungkook's smile fades as soon as he sees Jimin's red eyes.

"Jimin hyung were you crying?" Jungkook asks crossing his muscular arms in front of his wide chest. Jimin shakes his head in no as he rubs his eyes.

"You can't lie to me Hyung, what happened?" Jungkook glancing at Hoseok in hope of an answer.

"I will tell you" Jackson interrupts earning the attention of Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jungkook


"Mmm~~" Jin moans softly as he keeps bouncing up and down on Namjoon hard dick. Namjoon keeps moaning lightly as well.

I mean this was the only way to distract Namjoon. Jin was already planning a murder in his mind. He wanted to kill everyone for hurting his love but not now.

Because he was gonna...


War For You | Namjin | Kim Namjoon | Kim Seokjin ✔Where stories live. Discover now