Orgy Pt 1

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"Here is your order," the Waiter says placing down the plates as boys rub their hands together ready to attack the tasty food in front of them.

As soon as the waiter sets down everything and leaves everyone starts eating hungrily. Since they hadn't eaten in the morning they were hungry as fuck.

"So tasty!" Taehyung compliments with his mouth full of food, Jungkook giggles as he nearly choked on it causing Hoseok to laugh out. Seeing them like this Namjoon smiles as he got teary.

He still remembers how they used to be happy... with Jin...

The more he doesn't want to remember about him the more his mind goes to those precious memories he made with Jin.

"What happened Namjoon? Why aren't you eating?" Jackson asks snatching Namjoon out of his thoughts.

"Nothing happened," He says rubbing his neck in embarrassment. He started to eat as Jackson still suspected him to be sad. Of course, it was obvious he was sad because of Jin but He wanted Namjoon to get over it already.

Since Jackson was sitting beside Namjoon he puts his hand on Namjoon's thigh squeezing it a bit hinting to him that he is with him no matter what happens, Namjoon smiles as he throws his gaze over Jackson and smiles.


"WHAT! NO!" Everyone shouts as Taehyung stands in front of them just a stupid idea of Taehyung to have an orgy.

"What's so bad about it?" Taehyung says as Hoseok stands up neck slicing Taehyung.

"Take that shit out of your mind," Hoseok says as everyone nod but Taehyung was not convinced.

"Please! Just once! Look Namjoon hyung is so lonely, let's give him some pleasure" Taehyung says in a playful voice as Namjoon shakes his head in no with blush since everyone was looking at him now.

"I- I am f-fine," Namjoon says as Yoongi stands and was about to leave that's when Taehyung blocked his way with puppy eyes.

"Fuck U!" Yoongi shouts unable to resist. Feeling his victory Taehyung looks at others.

"So how are we gonna do it?" Jungkook asks clearly not wanting to do it but only because of Taehyung.

"Let's play rock paper scissors and those who got the same, team up and choose the place to fuck" Everyone sighed and go on with the game Taehyung suggest. They played Rock Paper Scissors as Jimin and Jungkook got each other. Namjoon and Jackson got each other. Hoseok, Taehyung, and Yoongi got each other.

"I and Jackson choose a bedroom," Namjoon says as everyone nods and both made their way towards the bedroom which belongs to Namjoon.

[They were in Namjoon house]

"Well, what about you three?" Jungkook asked as Three looked at each other.

"Couch," Taehyung said as both Yoongi and Hoseok shrugged their shoulders.

"Then we will go with the bathroom," Jimin said dragging Jungkook.

Meanwhile with Jackson and Namjoon

"Oh fuck you are going too fast!" Namjoon clinches around Jackson as Jackson goes at inhuman speed. Namjoon grabs the sheets as Jackson pounds inside him mercilessly.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Namjoon moans so loudly when Jackson hit his prostate that everyone outside heard it, Namjoon was fas gone in that sinful abyss.

"Faster!" Namjoon moans as he feels himself coming closer o his organism as Jackson keeps thrusting deeper and faster catching his high.

"FUCKKK!" Namjoon moans loudly cumming on Jackson's chest as well as his own, Jackson feels himself coming closer as he soon paints Namjoon walls with his cum. Jackson pulls out falling beside Namjoon on the bed as both catch their breath.

"Fuck, that was amazing," Jackson says breathlessly as namjoon chuckles nodding. Even tho he never bottomed he had fun.

"Namjoon I know you are depressed because of Jin but please forget him already, it hurts us whenever we see u in pain" Jackson holding back his tears as Namjoon gulps.

"I am trying... it will take time," Namjoon says sighing deeply as Jackson nods.

"Take your time Namjoon, Remember we are always beside you to help u"

To Be Continued...........

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