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"I can't believe this" Jackson says putting down the letter written by Gong. Jimin and Hoseok were looking down on their thighs. Just ashamed of their Hyung. 

"I don't think Namjoon is safe with him," Jackson says as Hoseok looks at him. Hoseok sighs deeply before speaking.

"He is, Jin hyung loves him a lot and I am sure he is not gonna hurt him, so far we only know that Jin hyung has a problem with Jimin no one else" Hoseok explains to Jackson as Jackson nods in return. 

"Did he tell anything why is he doing this to Jimin?" Both jimin and Hoseok shake their head in no.

"Nope he didn't but he says he wants to have some kind of revenge from me," Jimin says. Jackson nods again. Suddenly his phone rings as he picks his phone up. 

"Namjoon" Jackson mouths to both of them before answering him. 

[On Phone]

"Hi Joon"

"Hi Jackson, how are you?"

"I am good what about you?" 

"Same here, did something happened? Why were you calling me?" 

"Yeah, it's just... I come back from China" 

"Wait what!? Really?? Where are you right now?"

"With Hoseok and Jimin in their house" 

"Ok I am coming" 

"Ok, Bye"


Jackson ends the call and looks at both of them.

"Let me guess, he is coming here?" Hoseok asks and Jackson nods. 

Jackson still can't believe what Jin did. He knew Namjoon loves Seokjin but this was something he should know about. After some minutes the doorbell rings. Hoseok goes to open the door revealing the excited Namjoon.

"Where is he?" Namjoon asks in excitement, Hoseok giggles at that and points to the living room. Namjoon runs to the living room and as soon as he sees Jackson he goes to hug him tightly. Jackson hugs him back with the same love and passion. 

They missed each other so much.

"How are you?" Namjoon asks breaking the hug as Jackson smiles.

"I am good, what about you?" Jackson says as they talk for a while. Jimin and Hoseok looked at them and just smile. 

"How is Yoongi?" Jackson asks as the smile fades away from Namjoon lips. Jackson notices it and looks at the Jihope duo who weren't smiling as well.

"Everything okay?" Jackson asks with confusion. Namjoon nods

"Yes, just... Yoongi hyung had an accident so he is in hospital, But he is okay now so I have to pick him up tomorrow" Namjoon lies he wasn't gonna tell what happened, Jackson covers his mouth in shock. 

What the hell is going on?!

"Thank god he is okay," Jackson says letting out a sigh. Jackson deep breaths and says something making Hoseok and Jimin widen their eyes.

"I want to tell you something about Jin hyung" 

To Be Continued.......

War For You | Namjin | Kim Namjoon | Kim Seokjin ✔Where stories live. Discover now