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"Babe... is it true...?" Namjoon asks with tears in his eyes. Jin bites his lips and looks on the floor of the jail.

"IS IT FUCKING TRUE?!" Namjoon shouts as Jin flinched, taking a deep breath he finally spoke.

"YES! IT IS FUCKING TRUE THAT I WAS THE ONE WHO KIDNAPPED HIM!" Jin shouted as his tears roll down his cheeks. Namjoon stays there froze. Namjoon can't believe his ears.

His friends told him that Jin was the one who kidnapped Jimin...

He broke friendship with them...

Police told him...

He thought they misunderstood...

Now Jin himself was telling...

He wanted to die right now...

He lost his all friends because of him...

"WAE? WAE!!" Namjoon shouted not controlling himself anymore. He falls on his knees still crying, Jin holds the cells tightly as his heart was burning in pain.

"Why did you did it Jin?... I lost every single friend because of you... WAE?" Namjoon says. Jin wipes his tears.

"Jimin father murdered my father... and then that bitch killed himself as well... I LOST MY FATHER AT AGE OF 9! HE LEFT ME WHEN I NEEDED HIM THE MOST! That's when I get to know he had a son name Jimin... I decided to kill him with my own hands... and I will" As soon as he said the last three words Namjoon looks at him in disbelief. Jin was smiling like a psychopath, Namjoon shakes his head in no. He can't believe Jin has become like this.

"I will kill him... I WILL FUCKING KILL HIM!!" Jin shouts as Namjoon was getting scared of him now. Namjoon backs up as Jin laughs like a mad person. Namjoon runs outside of the police station with tears rolling down his cheeks.

I hate you Jin


Two weeks later


In these two weeks a lot of this happened, Jin was put under treatment. Jin keeps muttering the words I will kill you Jimin. Because of this, he was kept in a mental hospital,

As for Namjoon... He went into depression. He stopped going out, even if somebody tried to call him he never picked up. His friends got worried about him.

He loved Jin dearly... Jin was his life...

Hoseok POV

"I was thinking how about we pay him a visit?" I said, Yoongi sighed.

"No use, I tried it before... he didn't open the door and also shouted at me to leave" Yoongi shrugged his shoulders after completing.

"I agree... I tried as well" Jungkook says looking down on the floor. Jimin looked at me with a bright face probably he had an idea.

"How about I go?" Jimin says as others look at him. Everyone lost in deep thoughts.

"I mean Jin hyung kidnapped me and I will visit him and try to comfort him... maybe it will work?" Jimin says looking at us with a face that was asking for opinions.

"Maybe it will work" Jackson speaks. Everyone sighs agreeing as Jimin smiles cutely. His smiles make me smile automatically as well.

"I guess we should go with him as well..." Taehyung says concerned for Jimin.

"Yea, we will be inside the car, If we find something unusual we will come inside" I suggest as everyone nods as well as Jimin.

~~~Time Skip~~~


Ding Dong

Jimin rings the door as others were inside the car. Jimin was nervous as he rings the door again earning a shout from inside.

"WHO THE FUCK IS IT?!" Jimin flinches already getting scared. He took a deep breath.

"It is me hyung... Jimin" Jimin spokes softly, there was dead silence as the door opened revealing Namjoon. He was looking like a beggar.

"J-Jimin?" Namjoons says with a broken voice. Jimin smiles as he hugs Namjoon tightly. Namjoon hugs Jimin back. Even tho Namjoon was smelling bad Jimin didn't care right now.


Jimin was already inside the house as the house was looking like it was cleaned in years.

"What happened to you hyung?" Jimin says getting teary. Namjoon doesn't answer him.

"Hyung I know the pain for you is so big... but living like this doesn't change anything... I was the one who was kidnapped, see I am over it now... you should as well" Jimin says holding Namjoon's hand. Namjoon tears keep running down.

Jimin was getting hurt by seeing this...

"Ok now get up! I will take some clothes out for you, you go take a bath. Meanwhile, i clean the house... Nice idea right?" Jimin says as Namjoon smiles getting up and smiling.

"Ok..." Namjoon says as Jimin smiles brightly. Jimin drags Namjoon inside the bathroom closing the bathroom door as Namjoon was inside. Jimin takes a deep breath before going to Namjoon closet.

He opens the closet door and looks for a shirt Namjoon would look good in. That's when his eyes went on something. He takes it out as his heartbreaks. It was a photo of Namjoon and Jin.

They were kissing each other...

A tear slipped from his eyes. Jimin quickly wiped it and put the photo back in its place before taking out the clothes. Jimin sets the bed before putting down the clothes.

He went to take a broom and mop to clean the room nicely. As soon as he finishes cleaning the room he goes out to clean the rest of the house.

Dirty dishes, spider webs, dust, and trash were all over the house. Jimin sighs as he was about to clean the house until his phone rings. He picks it up.

[On Phone]



"Oh, hobi"

"How is it going in there? Can we come now?"

"*Sighs* It is going well, for now, Namjoon hyung is taking a bath while I was cleaning the house, trust me, the house is in a bad condition, I need your guys help"

"Okay we are coming in then"


Jimin hangs up the phone as soon others enter and their eyes widen on the view in front of them.

"God damn... It is going take long to clean" Jackson says sighing loudly same goes for others.

"Let's get it," Jungkook says rubbing his hands together.

To Be Continued.......

War For You | Namjin | Kim Namjoon | Kim Seokjin ✔Where stories live. Discover now