Dying peacefully after saving

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"Calm down Taehyung" Jungkook calms his boyfriend who keeps crying in his hands. He was in tears too but he knew Jimin needs him right now. So he fought his tears away.

"H-How can I?...." Jungkook wanted to cry so badly after hearing that Jimin kidnapped.

"He is fucking kidnapped JUNGKOOK! My life, my best friend, my soulmate. He is kidnapped, HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?!" Jungkook can understand, Taehyung loves Jimin a lot, after all, he describes Jimin as his soulmate. Jimin was his heartbeat, so he can understand his pain.

"Kookie..." Jungkook replies with a hum. Taehyung frees himself from his grip and looks at Jungkook. Taehyung was a whole mess, Tears that never stopped to flow from his eyes.

"Take me to Jin hyung" Jungkook nods and wipes his tears kissing Taehyung lightly.

"I will but please stop crying" Taehyung tries to stop crying but tears still flows. Jungkook hugs Taehyung tightly kissing his forehead.

"I love you babe"


"Here eat something" Gong places a plate on Jimin lap without sparing him a glance. Jimin was weak, A lot weak, he can't even open his eyes properly.

"I... I want to ask something" Jimin hardly speaks with the pain flowing through his body.

"What?" Gong asks annoyingly. He finally looks at Jimin and suddenly a wave of pity hits him. Jimin was very beautiful before like an angel but now he looks like a dying fish.

"W-why is J-jin hyung doing this?" Gong didn't know why he was feeling bad for Jimin all of a sudden.

"No idea" Jimin weakly looks up at Gong with tears. Under his eyes were dark circles. With his eyes, half-open and half-close Jimin goes to speak again.

"Please l-let me g-go" Jimin begs, making Gong feel pity for him. He wanted to help him all of a sudden, But he knew if he did that Jin will kill him, The same question, Why was Jin doing it was in his mind too. Jin told him he was his friend then why would he do him if he is his friend?

"Ple-ease" Jimin chokes on his tears. Gong goes to untie Jimin. As soon as he unties Jimin. Jimin fells in his arms. He was lighter than before. Gong sighs deeply, he knew what he was doing is gonna cost his life but fuck it! He knew he was doing wrong and Jin too. Gong carries Jimin out and Takes him out of the house and soon arrives in a strange ally. Gong carefully places Jimin down and takes Jimin phone out of his pocket and goes in his contacts.

"Tell me who you are most close too?" Jimin takes time to answer him.

"Hoseok, name as hobi" Gong nods and looks for 'Hobi'. As soon as he sees his name he calls him and gives the mobile to Jimin.

"I will be going," Gong says as he turns to leave but caught off by Jimin voice.

"Thank you" Gong nods and leaves Jimin in the ally. Going back home. He looks for a rope and throws it on the fan. He ties it on his neck.

I know, I did good, I hope you stay safe Jimin

And with that said he pushes the chair and starts to gag for oxygen and soon he lets out his last breathe,

And with that, he kills himself after saving an innocent being.

To Be Continued......

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