Run Away🖤

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"Hyung...?" Jungkook breath out as Namjoon throw a glance at him. Well... Soon everyone decided to leave but Jungkook insisted to stay for Namjoon. At first, Taehyung wanted to stay with him as well but somehow Jungkook convinced him and now they both were in the living room. 

Namjoon nodded allowing Jungkook to continue. Taking a deep breath Jungkook goes on.

"Hyung, I think you should forget Jin hyung already... see I know how much you are suffering because of him and I can't see you in pain. I want you to get over it already... even tho it is gonna be hard, me no not even me, everyone wants to help you and we will. Just please... forget him" The pain in Jungkook's voice was clear as he spoke. Namjoon took a deep breath lowing his head. He knew Jungkook was right but...

But he can't just forget him...

He used to be his love...

His life...

His everything...

It is not easy to forget someone who you promised to about spending the rest of your life with...

 Namjoon just nodded not being able to bring out the right words. Jungkook gave him a sad smile. 

"I know you guys want to help me and I appreciate that... it's just it will take time and I am willing to forget him" Namjoon says earning a smile from Jungkook. Jungkook got up and went to hug him. At first, Namjoon was shocked but then he hugged Jungkook back. Knowing how the younger wants to comfort him. 

"We are always with you" 

Weeks later

"Hey, guys!" Jackson shouted as he jumped on the couch. Namjoon face palmed himself as Yoongi just smiled sitting beside Jackson, While Jimin had his hands full with chips and juices.

"I AM READY!" Jimin yelled cutely as Namjoon giggled. Hoseok shook his head as he snatched one packet of chips from Jimin making him whine. 

"This is cheating! It was mine!" Jimin complained as Hoseok narrowed his eyes.

"You have 5 packets already! How many are you gonna eat! Wanna get chubby huh?" Hoseok pointed out as Namjoon went inside the kitchen to make himself a coffee. 

Now you must be wondering what is happening so actually since that day Namjoon really made a progress in forgetting Jin, he burned everything related to Jin even that picture. For now, they are having a movie session which they always have on Saturday. Everyone was here instead of Taehyung and Jungkook. 

To ask them why are they coming so late both causally answered they are fucking each other making Namjoon blush. So he quickly cut the call. They were coming but a bit late so they told them to start not to wait for them. Namjoon didn't care to be honest.

And yea, about Namjoon's love life. He is still looking for someone. Well, he is not in a hurry so it's fine for him if he doesn't get someone. 

Finally making himself a coffee, he went to sit with them. They started the movie already as everyone was busy watching it. The pairs looked so cute and beautiful. With Jimin hugging Hoseok's waist with his head laying on his chest. And Yoongi leaning his back on Jackson's chest. Namjoon really adores them. 

"HYUNG!!!" Jungkook voice suddenly calls out from the front door with loud banging. Getting scared Namjoon run to the door while others also turned their attention to the door. Hoseok and Jimin getting concerned right away because the fear in Jungkook when he called out was clear. 

Unlocking the door Namjoon allowed them to enter as both Taehyung and Jungkook were a crying mess. Everyone got concerned and closed the Tv now running towards the door to know what happened.

"Hyung...!" Taehyung panted as Jungkook did the same. 

"What the fuck happened!? Why are you guys crying?" Namjoon asked as others behind him nodded wanting to know the same. Letting them come in, Both sit down on the couch not stopping to cry. 

"Taehyung? What happened?" Jimin asked calmly as Taehyung looked at him having difficulty breathing. Jimin rubbed his back calming him down.

"Jin hyung!" Jungkook breath out as Namjoon along with others widens his eyes. 

"Jin hyung what Jungkook?" Hoseok asked as Jungkook looked at Hoseok with pure fear. His eyes then landed on worried Namjoon who nearly was sweating.

"He got out of the mental hospital" 


I hope you loved this Story I really worked hard on it. So I hope you loved it.


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