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"What the hell are you doing here? I mean when did you come back from China?" Hoseok says handing a glass full of water to Jackson while he was sitting at the dining table. Both Hoseok and Jimin were confused as hell.

"I just come today" Jimin raises his brow. Even if he did come back to Korea why did he come here?

"Why are you here then? Did something happened between you and Namjoon?" Jimin asks because Namjoon and Jackson were roommates 5 years ago when Jackson suddenly decided to go back to China. So it was rare for Jackson to come to them instead of Namjoon.

"He wasn't picking up, when I went there he did open the door, so I thought he went out and forgot his phone in the home or is on silence," Jackson says after gulping down the cold water. Hoseok looks at Jimin and both share glances at each other. Jackson notices it and decides to speak.

"I will leave if you don't like me here," Jackson says getting up. He puts down the glass on the coffee table and bows to them.

"No, stay here, we would love you to have here. And we will be sad if you decline" Hoseok says with a smile earning back a soft smile.

"You sure?" Jackson says afraid of disturbing their privacy.

"Yes!" Jimin says happily which makes Jackson giggle.

"Thank you" Jackson seriously appreciate their cooperation with him. It was like he was with two angels who are always ready to help. Jackson was soon getting comfortable with them.

"We have a guest room, Jimin can lead you there," Hoseok says as Jimin nods and takes Jackson to his room. Meanwhile, Jimin was with Jackson, Hoseok tries to call Namjoon but Namjoon declines the call making Hoseok worried sick for him and Seokjin.

"What happened baby?" Jimin asks from behind back hugging him.

"It's just I am worried for Namjoon" Hoseok confesses sighing. Jimin hates it when Hoseok is worried. Jimin can understand why Hoseok was so worried about Namjoon.

"He is gonna be okay" Jimin comfort letting him go and coming in front of Hoseok holding his hands tightly.

"How do I convince my heart Jimin? How do I confess my heart that Namjoon is okay? Even after knowing the truth of Jin hyung" Hoseok says getting teary. Jimin cups Hoseok cheeks with his small hand and wipes the tears.

Those tears were like a sword that was tearing Jimin heart apart.

"What truth?" A voice comes from the back getting the attention of the Jihope duo.

"Tell me everything"


"Hmmm~~ it feels so good" Namjoon moans grabbing a fist full of Jin hairs pushing him more further on his length until Jin gags.

"Fuck I am cumming!" Namjoon moans before cumming in Jin mouth. He lets out a loud moan and falls backward on his bed. Jin gulps down his cum and stands up smiling.

"You did great today Jinnie," Namjoon says tapping on his side. Jin smirks and lays on Namjoon's side.

"By the way, where is my phone?" Namjoon says looking around as Jijn stands up going towards the cupboard taking his phone out.

"Here you go" Jin hands Namjoon his phone. Namjoon raises his brow in confusion.

"What was it there?" Namjoon questions earning a sigh.

"Well, I didn't want someone to disturb us so I put it there" Jin shrugged his shoulders earning a giggle from Namjoon.

"I hate you," Namjoon says with a laugh.

"I love you too," Jin says with a wink as he laughs too.

Namjoon opens his phone and his eyes widen.

"20 miss calls from Jackson?!"

To Be Continued.....

War For You | Namjin | Kim Namjoon | Kim Seokjin ✔Where stories live. Discover now